问题 阅读理解
                                                   Kung Fu Panda 2
                         Place: Cinemark (喜满客)
                        Date: 7:30 p.m. October 15th
Number: 6, Row 8, 3rd floor
Film Type: 3-D film
Price: ¥80
◆ Don't bring any dangerous things.
◆ If you are late, enter the theatre quietly.
◆ You need to wear special 3-D glasses when you watch.
◆ Turn off your cell phones or set them to vibration mode (振动模式).
◆ Please check your seat number and be seated before the film begins.
◆ Please check the date and seat number when you buy your ticket.
After the ticket has been sold, there is no refund (退票).
1. Your seat number is ________.
A. 8, Row 6
B. 6, Row 8
C. 8, Row 1
D. 6, Row 1
2. If you are late for the film, you'd better ________.
A. walk around
B. call up your friends
C. make much noise
D. walk into the theatre quietly
3. What should you do at the cinema?
A. get a phone call
B. sell your ticket
C. check your seat number
D. talk with your friends freely

1-3 BDC

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