A: Good morning. 1. _________
B: I'd like to see some blouses, please.
A: We have some cotton ones hanging here, and some silk ones over there. 2. _________
B: I'd like to look at the cotton ones, please.
A: Fine. Please take your time. When you need me, I'll come at once.
B: Oh, Sandra, they look lovely, but 3. _________. I want to take your advice. Do you like the blue
one or the red one?
C: I prefer the red one. But they are both a little expensive, I think.
B: Yes … well, let's ask the shop assistant for help. Excuse me, Miss, 4. ________
A: Sorry, we don't. Maybe lower price means it's not good.
B: I see. Well, let me try on this red one then.
C: (To the shop assistant) Now, Miss, would you show me some long woolen socks? They must be
strong and thick, but soft as well.
A: Sorry. But 5. _________
B: On the third floor? OK, I'll go there later.
1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______
1. What can I do for you? / Can I help you?
2. Which/ones/do/would you like?
3. I can't decide/ I am not sure/ which one/blouse/to buy / choose.
4. do you have any cheaper one/blouses?
5. they are sold on the third floor. / you can buy/get them on the third floor.