Whenever you go on holiday abroad you may see different kinds of animals. Many of them will not be well looked after and you might feel sad about this. Here are a few suggestions on how you can help.
Homeless Animals
In many countries you’ll find homeless cats and dogs around your hotel. Please don’t give food to them—this only encourage more homeless animals to your hotel and the animals then come to tourists for food. The food stops once the holiday season is over and then animal welfare organisations (动物福利组织) in the city have to pick up the animals. These organisations are often very small and need money to keep going. To help them out, why not give some canned or dried food or give them money. To find an animal welfare organisation, try the phone book or ask the hotel manager.
Animals at a Market
Markets are a fact of life in many countries and you may very well see animals kept in cages which are far too small and left sitting in the hot sun. You could write to a newspaper telling them how much better it would look to visitors if people in the market could stop that practice.
The word "practice" (paragraph 3) refers to ______.
[A] animal sellers at the market
[B] animal conditions at the market
[C] work by animal welfare organisations