问题 阅读理解与欣赏

苏 幕 遮       (宋)范仲淹

碧云天,黄叶地。秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。山映斜阳天接水。芳草无情,更在斜阳外。 黯乡魂①,追②旅思。夜夜除非,好梦留人睡。明月楼高休独倚。酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。

注:①黯乡魂:思念家乡,黯然消魂。 ②追:追随,引申为“萦绕”。

小题1:本词上片写寥廓多彩、境界悠远的秋色,其中着一“寒”字,突出了            ;“              ”一句将“天”“地”“水”三种景象融汇一体。上片末两句“芳草无情,更在斜阳外”在全词内容上的作用是                                。(3分)




小题2:从芳草天涯的景物描写中暗暗透出乡思离愁;“黯乡魂,追旅思”句直抒胸臆,主人公羁泊异乡时间之久,与乡思离情之深自见;从“斜阳”到“明月”显出时间的推移,而主人公所处的地方依然是那座高楼,足见乡思离愁之深重。(说出其中两点即可) (4分)



小题2:题目分析:“黯乡魂,追旅思,夜夜除非,好梦留人睡。”心头萦绕不去、纠缠不已的怀乡之情和羁旅之思让人黯然神伤,每天夜里只有在美好的梦境中才能暂时入睡。 “明月楼高休独倚。酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。” 夜间为乡愁所扰而好梦难成,便想登楼远眺,以遣愁怀。但明月皎洁,反而让人倍感寂寞与怅惘,于是不由得端起酒杯来想一舒愁苦的百转回肠,谁知酒入愁肠都化作了相思的眼泪,反而使自己的愁思更加悲苦。


问答题 简答题

In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing words that are missing from the context. Below the passage, each blank has 4 choices marked by letter A, B, C and D respectively. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

How many of us would temp for three years while we waited for the perfect job Not many of us, perhaps. But Wentworth Miller, the "Prison Break" star, said he chose to wait even longer time (91) he found the right job.
"Actually I think it might have been three or four years until I was lucky enough to get guest (92) on TV shows," said Miller, 34, who rose to international stardom (93) to "Prison Break" in 2006. That kind of patience and p will was portrayed in "Prison Break". Miller (94) engineering wizard Michael Scofield, who tries everything to break out of a Chicago (95) with his brother. Miller said he was fond of his character, (97) he said "exists in shades of grey".
Miller comes from a (97) of teachers. He said he didn’t seem fated for a career in the arts, (98) his passion for acting. After (99) from Princeton with an English degree, he moved (100) his parents’ request to Los Angeles to look for a stable life. He started (101) in a little company that made television movies. This (102) simply faxing, filing, walking the boss’ dog and going to the store for the boss’ lunch. Every weekend during the summer, Miller (103) go to the office (104) he didn’t have air-conditioning. "I would hang (105) in the conference room and set up camp and rob the company kitchen," recalled Miller.
(106) , Miller realized he still had questions about his choice. He decided to quit. But the boss said he was making a mistake and offered him a well-paid assistant position. "I eventually (107) that if I did the corporate job, it would be great if I was successful, but I would always wonder about the (108) . If I did the acting and was successful, I would never wonder (109) that job," he explained. He quit and temped (110) many people in the entertainment industry.



