问题 单项选择题

这段文字主要是说( )。







解析: 本题可采用排除法。通过文中信息可知,作家李佩甫为一个短信小说接力赛创作开了一个头,数以千计的短信文学创作者创作了形态各异的短信小说。苏童、赵本夫这样的名作家都把自己的作品授权改编成了短信小说。从文段中找不出有关短信小说之争的相关信息,排除A项;C项只是文段中的一个信息由头,而非主要内容,所以排除;D项只是为短信小说开头的李佩甫的一家之言,并未得到证实,所以排除。故选B。


This interactive on-line program helps non-native writers of English improve or fine-tune (调整) their writing skills in English. Recommended for intermediate or advanced levels, this on-line language class targets common writing problems of ESL/EFL writers. Class participants will build more effective writing skills. Topics include the items listed below.

● Clear explanations of grammar rules in English.

● Examples of common errors.

● Interactive practice activities that give students immediate feedback on answers.

● Application activities to guide students in applying new skills.

A free on-line needs assessment is provided to give participants an immediate results analysis to help them decide if this program will meet their needs.

To register call (519) 594-5152.

For further information, call (519) 594-5907 and ask for Dr. Roberts.

Instructor: Kathy L. Hans, has been teaching in the field of English as a second language for more than 20 years. She has trained ESL teachers throughout California for the State Department of Education and authored Teaching Pronunciation in Context, a training text with videotapes for teachers.

The Interactive On-line Program The participants of this program: (46) of English

The aim of this on-line language class: to solve (47) of ESL/EFL writers

The number of program topics: (48)

The way to decide if this program will meet the participants’ need: free (49)

The length of Kathy L. Hans’s working experience, more than (50)

Choose the right word to fill in the following essay corresponds to the air()