问题 单项选择题

Your organization is having a difficult time managing its many projects. You have been asked to help senior management decide how to proceed. What should you do first

A.Review all of the organization's project documents to understand how they manage project

B.Send a formal memo to all project managers requesting their detailed project plans and status report

C.Meet several senior managers separately to get a feel for what is really happenin

D.Give a presentation on best practices to all the senior manager



解析: 你的组织在管理许多项目上正遇到困难。要求你帮助高级管理层决定该如何前进。首先你应该做什么 A) 审查组织的所有项目文档以便理解他们是如何管理项目的。 B) 给所有的项目经理发送正式的备忘录要求他们的详细项目计划和状态报告。 C) 分别会见几个高级经理以获得关于实际正在发生的事情的感受。 D) 做一次演讲, 向所有高级经理介绍项目管理的最佳实践。 选项D可以排除,因为需要先了解情况;选项B属于正式书面沟通,需要花费的时间长,可以稍后再做;选项A评估所有文档,花费的时间也比较长;所以选择C。
