问题 选择题

2012年7月3日,为进一步提升三亚工商系统工商行政管理人员的文明素质,海南省三亚市工商部门举办了干部职工文明礼仪知识培训。三亚市之所以重视学习礼仪,是因为(    )











题目分析:礼仪是一个人、一个集体,乃至一个国家精神文明的象征。讲文明、有礼貌是中 * * 的优良传统,同时也体现着一个人的思想道德水平和文化修养程度。礼貌,是处理人与人之间关系的一种规范,是人们在日常交往中应当共同遵守的道德准则。礼貌是文明交往的前提。讲文明、有礼貌是做人的基本品质。所以三亚工商系统工商行政管理人员精心文明礼仪的培训。不同的时代,礼仪也会发生改变。因此要不断的学习。④只是一种形式而已的这种说法是错误的,礼仪不仅仅是一种形式,是一个人、一个集体,乃至一个国家精神文明的象征。因此这个选项不正确,由此便可以选出正确的答案了。





Once, my father and I were standing in the line to buy tickets for the circus.   36 , there was only one family between us and the ticket counter.

This family made a big impression on me.  There were eight children, all probably under 12. Their clothes were not   37  , but they were clean. The children were   38  , all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents,   39   hands. They were excitedly jabbering (喋喋不休地说) about what they would see.

One could   40  they had never been to the circus before. It   41   to be a highlight of their young lives.

The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He   42   responded, “Please let me buy   43  children’s tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus.” The ticket lady   44   the price. The mother’s head   45  , and her lip began to quiver (抖动). The father leaned a little   46  and asked, “How much?”

The ticket lady quoted the price   47  . The man didn’t have enough money, Seeing what happened, my dad put his hand in his pocket,   48   a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground. (We were not rich in any sense of the word!) Then he reached down,   49  the bill and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your   50  .”

The man knew what was going on. He wasn’t begging for a handout   51   certainly appreciated the help in a desperate, heartbreaking   52  . He looked into my dad’s eyes, took my dad’s   53  in both of his, and with a tear running down his   54  , he replied, “Thank you, sir. This really means a lot to me and my family.”

My father and I went back to our car and   55   home. We didn’t go to the circus that night, but we didn’t go without.

36. A. Immediately B. Finally       C. Hopefully D. Suddenly

37. A. expensive  B. cheap  C. plain   D. bad

38. A. badly-behaved     B. polite  C. well-behaved    D. lovely

39. A. holding       B. shaking      C. putting      D. waving

40. A. know    B. understand  C. feel    D. sense

41. A. advised B. recommended    C. promised        D. allowed

42. A. lowly        B. honestly    C. bravely      D. proudly

43. A. six     B. eight C. ten     D. two

44. A. answered   B. quoted       C. spoke      D. said

45. A. dropped       B. bent   C. shook      D. nodded

46. A. nearer B. harder C. tighter       D. closer

47. A. too      B. again C. as usual      D. as well

48. A. turned out   B. handed out        C. pulled out D. put out

49. A. picked up    B. took up     C. sent up      D. made up

50. A. trousers       B. clothes       C. children     D. pocket

51. A. and      B. but     C. or    D. so

52. A. situation      B. condition   C. surrounding       D. position

53. A. hand  B. arm  C. leg     D. shoulder

54. A. head     B. mouth       C. cheek      D. nose

55. A. went     B. got   C. drove      D. walked
