问题 填空题


    Sue Glass had a car accident when she was eight. Her father tried to get home   1   the storm came. He

drove fast and his car fell into the river when he was turning left. So she   2   driving after that.

    When she grew up, this was a problem, because she got a   3   in a car company. She sold cars there.

Then six years later she met Julian Swayland, a racing driver, and she told him she was   4   of cars. He

wanted to help her, so he took her to Brands Hatch, a Grand Prix racing circuit (巡回). He drove her round

corners at 100 mph and she   5   it. Then she heard about a special motor racing course. She did the course

with five men and she got top marks. It   6   them all. She said,"I think I did well because I listened to

everything the   7   said. I needed to because I was so afraid. The men often didn't listen. The best moment

was my first championship race. I didn't win but I came forth. I   8   20 men, I love the excitement of motor

racing but it's a dangerous sport and I'm always very frightened. In fact, I stopped doing it one year ago,

because I got so   9   before each race. I felt really sick. I'm not going to race again, I'm going to  10  a

driving school next year."

1.             2.              3.              4.             5.              

6.             7.              8.              9.             10.              


1.before  2.hated  3.job  4.afraid  5.loved / liked

6.amazed / surprised  7.teacher  8.beat  9.nervous / anxious / frightened  10.open / run


设置Windows 2000的网络属性及添加常用服务(DNS服务和DHCP服务)。Windows 2000常用服务: (1)DNS (Domain Name System):域名系统。它为Internet(因特网)上的计算机提供名称(如“www.abc.com”的域名)到(如“”)IP地址的映射服务,以用于域名解析。 (2)IIS (Internet Information Server):Internet信息服务器。它是一种Web服务,主要包括WWW服务器、FTP服务器等。它使得在Intranet(局域网)或Internet(因特网)上发布信息很容易。Windows 2000 Advanced Server上提供的是IIS 5.0服务。 (3)DHCP (Dynamic Host Configure Protocol):动态主机配置协议。它是设计用于简化管理地址配置的TCP/IP标准。它使用服务器集中管理IP地址以及在网络上使用的其他相关配置(比如网关、DNS服务器等)的详细信息。 请写出实现以下功能的操作步骤,将应填入空格处的字句填入答卷的对应栏内。 要求: 1.设置网络属性。 (1)打开网络属性设置窗口。 步骤: (1) 。 (2)为网卡绑定第一个IP地址:在“IP地址”一栏输入“”:子网掩码一栏输入“”。 步骤: (2) 。 (3)为网卡绑定更多的IP地址:输入第二个IP地址“”,其相应的子网掩码为“”。 步骤: (3) 。 (4)网络属性设置后的验证:查看本机所配置的IP地址;ping通网关。 步骤: (4) 。 2.添加DNS、IIS和DHCP服务。 (1)添加IIS。 步骤: (5) 。 (2)添加DHCP和DNS。 步骤: (6) 。 3.在Windows 98/Me中安装了TCP/IP协议后,每台计算机必须分配一个专用的IP地址。在给每台计算机分配IP地址时,既要考虑局域网之间的IP地址要便于管理,同时还要考虑所分配的IP地址要便于局域网共享一条电话线或共用一个IP地址接入因特网。综合考虑各种需要,对网络中IP地址做如下的分配:代理服务器的IP地址为192.168.0.1,子网掩码为255.255.255.0,客户端的IP地址分别为192.168.0.2,,……,依次类推。子网掩码全部为255.255.255.0。如图1-2所示是由20台计算机组成的网络中每台计算机IP地址的分配情况。

写出为每台计算机分配IP地址、网关和DNS的步骤 (7)
