依据《中华人民共和国担保法》,只能由合同当事人本人提供担保的担保方式是( )。
依据《中华人民共和国担保法》,只能由合同当事人本人提供担保的担保方式是( )。
根据短文内容,从下框的A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项 为多余选项。 | |
Often a controlling parent is a perfectionist, driving you always to be the best you can and getting angry or upset over grades that are less perfect, no matter how hard you work for them, or finding faults with tasks you take on around the home. There is nothing wrong with doing a job right, but it seems like no matter how hard you work on it, it's never perfect. In other words, do you ever just receive praise from that parent, or is it always justified with a "but..." or "except...". 2. ________ It can only be controlled if you allow it to be. Controlling behaviours are eventually the controller's attempt to meet his or her own needs. If the controlling parent demands good grades, don't do poorly. You are the strong one when you find ways to meet his or her needs and yours, without allowing them to get into your mind. They can force you to pretend to be something you are not, but they can't change who you actually are. 3.________ Most controlling parents are simply afraid that you will fail without their intervention. Because they feel it necessary to involve themselves in your life. If you can discover what seems to calm your parents, you will make your own life much easier. For example, if a note from your teacher telling them you haven't turned in your homework will put you into trouble, do turn in the homework. It's pretty simple but really-do what your parents want you to do, and they will be less intrusive in your life. 4.________ Some parents control their family with anger. They really lose their temper, lose all self-control, and the result is no discussion. People are afraid to voice an opinion contrary to the angry parents because they fear what will happen. This is how anger is used to control you. If you can talk to the parents, ask for the 3-minute-rule approach. Using this approach allows everyone to be heard and also provides some "cooling off" time, which can help manage conflicts. 5.________ If you are very smart, you will study hard in school and give yourself lots of opinions for change. Even if you go to school locally, it's suggested that you try to live in the dormitories, or any place other than your parents' home. Get a job and help with your own living expenses. The sooner you get out form under the shadow of a controlling parent, the sooner the parent will recognize you "Declaration of Independence". |