问题 单项选择题

2010年5月20日,某价格鉴证中心对一汽车进行车损鉴证,发现该车已经无法修复,该车型设计平均可行使45万公里,事故发生时已行使30万公里,价格鉴证基准日同类型汽车市场价格为126500元,残值为400元,则该车鉴证价格为( )元。







解析: 该车已经无法修复,可用成本法价格鉴证,公式为:鉴证价格=车辆重置价格×成新率-残值=126500×(1-30/45)-400=41766.67(元)。

         Jackie Chan was born on Apirl 7, 1954, in Hongkong,China. His parents left mainland China for Hong
Kong a short time before he was born. His parents named him "Chang Kongsang", which means "born in Hong
Kong". They wanted to celebrate a safe trip to HongKong.
         At first, Jackie's family lived in the French Embassy (大使馆). His father was a cook, and his mother a
housekeeper. When Jackie was seven years old, his family moved to Australia. His father got a job in the
American Embassy. Later, back in Hong Kong Jackie's father sent him to the China Drama Academy. Jackie
studied and worked 19 hours a day. The students practised KungFu and learned how to do many stunts (特技
表演) there.
         When Jackie was seventeen years old, he began to do dangerous stunts for films. In the early 1980s,
Jackie went to Hollywood, but he wasn't very successful. He went on to make films in HongKong and had
great success. Finally, in 1995, Jackie Chan has both Chinese and American fans ,and his films make millions
of dollars.
1. When did Jackie Chan's parents move to Hong Kong?
A. They moved to Hong Kong a short time after Jackie Chan was born.
B. They moved to Hong Kong a short time before Jackie Chan was born.
C. They moved to Hong Kong after they came back from America.
2. What did Jackie Chan learn in the China Drama Academy?
A. Dramas
B. Dancing
C. Kong Fu and stunts
3. Which is true according to the passage?
A. Jackie Chan is about forty years old.
B. He wasn't very successful when he first went to Hollywood.
C. He became famous at the age of 17.
4. Which is true according to the passage?
A. Jackie Chan is about forty years old.
B. He wasn't very successful when he first went to Hollywood.
C. He became famous at the age of 17.
5. We can learn from the article that _____.
A. Jackie Chan's mother was also born in Hong Kong.
B. At first, Jackie's family lived in France.
C. the time when his family moved to Australia was around 1961.