问题 综合题


材料一 “革命靠军阀的部队是靠不住的,我们必须建立自己的武装来打倒反革命。现在,我们起义成功了。这里的军队归 * * 党领导。”


材料二 遵义会议集中全力纠正了当时具有决定意义的军事和组织上的错误,是完全正确的。这次会议开始了以毛 * * 同志为首的中央的新领导,是中国党内最有历史意义的转变。


材料三 党的策略路线,是发动团结与组织全中国全民族一切革命力量去反对当前的主要敌人——日本帝国主义与卖国贼蒋介石。

——《中 * * 关于目前形势与党的任务决定》

材料四 目前中国人民的主要敌人,是日本帝国主义,所以把日本帝国主义与蒋介石同等看待是错误的,“抗日反蒋”的口号,也是不适当的。在日本帝国主义继续进攻,全国民族革命运动继续发展的条件下,国民党中央军全部或其大部有参加抗日的可能。我们的总方针是逼蒋抗日。

——《中 * * 关于逼蒋抗日问题的指示》








     The crowd stopped their talks as the runners came to the starting line. At this moment, all eyes were

on two people. Mark, the favorite for the gold medal, and Jim, a new face to all.

     Mark had won a lot of competitions in 3000 meters and was thought to be the finest runner in the country.

Until a few months before, Jim was almost unknown outside his hometown. But he had won one competition

after another, which was a big surprise. Many people thought Jim would also do very well this time. It was

going to be an exciting race.

     Bang! The race started. For the first half, Jim ran with Mark in the leading group. At 1700 meters, Jim

was about one meter behind Mark. Suddenly, the crowd stopped cheering. Mark fell and lay on the grass. He

tried to get up, but his hand had been injured and was out of the race.

     The crowd believed that Jim had tripped (绊倒) Mark and they began to shout at him. Jim looked back

and slowed down. Then _____. But the race was over for Jim, too. He was far behind others now. Jim was

very unhappy because of what had happened.

     Later, after the judges (裁判) had studied the video of the race, they decided that Jim had done nothing

wrong. Jim went to see Mark and said,"I'm sorry for..." "It's not your fault. I got injured myself in the leg.

Such a thing never happens to me. I've got to see the doctor."

     The two went on to become good friends and were often seen training together.

1. Why was the race going to be exciting?

A. Because it was a 3000-meter race.

B. Because there were only two runners in the competition.

C. Because both Mark and Jim were very good runners.

D. Because a large crowd of people came to watch the competition.

2. The crowd stopped cheering suddenly because ________.

A. it began to rain heavily

B. Mark fell and lay on the grass

C. Jim was about one meter behind Mark

D. Jim ran with Mark in the leading group

3. Which of the following can be put in the blank (空白处) in Paragraph 4?

A. he went on with the race

B. the doctors came to help

C. The judges told him to stop

D. he didn't know what had happened
