问题 计算题

如图甲,电阻为R=2的金属线圈与一平行粗糙轨道相连并固定在水平面内,轨道间 距为d =0.5m,虚线右侧存在垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场,磁感应强度为B1=0.1T,磁场内外分别静置垂直于导轨的金属棒P和Q,其质量m1=m2= 0.02kg,电阻R1=R2= 2.t=0时起对左侧圆形线圈区域施加一个垂直于纸面的交变磁场B2,使得线圈中产生如图乙所示的正弦交变电流(从M端流出时为电流正方向),整个过程两根金属棒都没有滑动,不考虑P和Q电流的磁场以及导轨电阻.取重力加速度g= l0m/s2





(1) 垂直纸面向里(2) 0.25.(3) 24J


(2)由图乙知,线圈中电流最大值为I0=2A,则通过Q棒的电流最大值为Im=1A;要使金属棒静止,安培力不大于最大静摩擦力,则有 B1Imd≤μmg






Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side was useless. But his right hand was (1) enough to lift a bucket to his forehead. Once, he’d been a police officer and owned a private-eye agency. Once, he’d been p and able. Now, he felt he was nothing.
His (2) started with Parkinson’s disease, but it didn’t (3) there. In July 2002, the 60 year old Kraus went into the hospital for an operation to control the shaking. (4) , during the operation, he had a stroke. He was paralyzed. The (5) man, who loved golf, could think, but couldn’t (6) . Kraus wanted the doctors to (7) it to him straight. "You may never walk again, " they told him. "Maybe you won’t (8) be able to talk. "
Once at home, he (9) he couldn’t lift a fork or take a drink by himself. Physical treatment was so painful and slow. What did he have to (10) for So now Kraus held the gun against his head. (11) the cold metal on his skin, he began to consider not his pain, but the pain he (12) cause his wife, daughters and grandchildren. He didn’t pull the trigger.
"You are where you are", his exercise physiologist, Andrew Garud told him. "The pace would be slow; the pain would be (13) . But as long as you are (14) , you have the ability to get better. " After three months of (15) with Garud, Kraus wanted to see if he could (16) . He could. Then he took three steps, sat down and cried like a baby. One step (17) to another. Next he managed a short walk. It was the hardest (18) of Kraus’s life.
Garud kept saying he could (19) more. Now, Kraus can brush his teeth, shave himself and get around the house with a walker. Little success only the paralyzed can (20) understand.
