问题 完形填空
     One morning a student was walking with his teacher when they noticed a pair of old shoes by the roadside.
They  1  the shoes might belong to a poor man. In fact, the  2  of the shoes was working in a field nearby, and
he had nearly  3  his work.
     The student said to his teacher, "Let's play a trick on the man; we hide his shoes, and wait to see what he
will do  4  he can't find them."
     "My young friend, we should never have  5  by tricking others like that," answered the teacher."  6 , let's
Put a  7  in each of the shoes, and watch what he will do."
     The student did so, and then they  8  nearby.
     The man soon came back to get his  9 , but when he slipped his foot into one of his shoes, he felt
something  10  in it. He bent down and found the coin (硬币). 
      11  appeared on his face. He looked at the coin for a minute, and then  12 , but nobody could be seen.
     He then went on to put on the other shoe,  13  he was even more surprised to find the  14  coin. He then
knelt down (跪下), looked up to heaven and said  15  aloud, in which he spoke of his wife,  16  and helpless,
and his children without bread.
    The student was deeply moved (感动的), and his eyes were filled with tears. a Now," said the teacher,"you
must be much more pleased than if you had played your  17 ."
     The boy replied, "You have taught me a lesson which Fll never  18 . I feel now the truth of these words,
which I didn't  19  before: ' It is more blessed (神圣的) to  20  than to receive. '"
( )1. A. believed  
( )2. A. owner     
( )3. A. enjoyed   
( )4. A. since     
( )5. A. lessons   
( )6. A. Instead   
( )7. A. stone     
( )8. A. hid       
( )9. A. lunch     
( )10. A. terrible 
( )11. A. Surprise 
( )12. A. looked up
( )13. A. for      
( )14. A. strange  
( )15. A. goodbye  
( )16. A. homeless 
( )17. A. trick    
( )18. A. learn    
( )19. A. hear     
( )20. A. work     
B. found       
B. maker       
B. changed     
B. when        
B. experience  
B. Generally   
B. coin        
B. stood       
B. coal        
B. hot         
B. Fear        
B. looked around
B. so          
B. second      
B. yes         
B. lively      
B. role        
B. take        
B. understand  
B. refuse      
C. decided    
C. seller     
C. finished   
C. while      
C. fun        
C. Afterwards 
C. sweet      
C. worked     
C. drink      
C. hard       
C. Pity       
C. looked down
C. but        
C. interesting
C. hello      
C. careless   
C. game       
C. forget     
C. remember   
C. advise     
D. thought   
D. repairer  
D. started   
D. until     
D. games     
D. Maybe     
D. clip      
D. rested    
D. shoes     
D. soft      
D. Courage   
D. looked out
D. or        
D. lost      
D. thanks    
D. sick      
D. cards                          
D. accept    
D. write     
D. give      

1-5     DACBC    6-10    ABADC    11-15    ABCBD     16-20    DACBD
