问题 阅读理解


     Betty is a lazy girl. She doesn't study very hard, and she doesn't help her mother with housework, either.

    "What are you going to be when you grow up, Betty?" mother asks." You are too lazy. No job will ever fit

(适合) you."

    "But I know there is one," says the girl,"I'm going to be Father Christmas."

     "You want to be Father Christmas?" Mother is surprised."But why?" 

    "Because he works only one day in a whole year.."

1. Betty isn't a _____ girl.

A. lazy

B. hard-working

C. quiet

D. pretty

2. Betty's mother thinks ______.

A. Betty can find a good job.

B. Betty cannot find a good job.

C. Betty isn't lazy enough to get a job.

D. Betty will work hard in the futu.

3. Betty wants to be ______.

A. a teacher

B. Father Christmas

C. a writer

D. a Christmas worker

4. Betty wants to do that job because ______.

A. that job fits her

B. she likes him very much

C. he works only one day in a year

D. that job is interesting

5. Which sentence is true?

A. Betty wants to be Father Christmas so she isn't lazy.

B. Betty is very lazy, so she can't find any job.

C. Betty doesn't study hard, but she likes to help her parents with the housework.

D. To be father Christmas is boring.


1-5       BBBCB



材料一  1864春,时任江苏巡抚的李鸿章在致 * * 衙门原函中指出:“中国文武制度,事事远出西人之上,独火器万不能及。……鸿章以为中国欲自强,则莫如学习外国利器,……”

材料二 《马关条约》签订后,李鸿章被革去直隶总督和北洋大臣之职。1896年3月至10月,李鸿章受命出访欧美。回国后,李鸿章在给多位朋友的信函中谈到了出访欧美的感受,在给某友人的信中这样写道:“此行遍历诸大邦,亲觇(视察)富强之实效,中国地大物博,果能上下一心,破除积习,力图振作,亦何事不可为……”在致旧时幕僚伍廷芳的信中,李鸿章更加明确强调:“根本之计,尤在变法自强”。

材料三 戊戌 * * 后,有人告李鸿章是维新派,慈禧太后曾对李说,“有人说你是康党”(与康有为同党),李鸿章回答说:“臣实是康党,废立之事,臣不与闻,六部诚可废,若旧法能强国,中国之强久矣,何待近日?主张变法者即指为康党,臣无可逃,臣实是康党。”慈禧听后只能“默然”。




