问题 单项选择题

《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》规定,区别国际货物买卖合同和国内货物买卖合同是否具有国际性或“涉外因素”的标准是( )。







解析:《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第1条规定:“(1)本公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同:   (a) 如果这些国家是缔约国;或   (b) 如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律。  (2) 当事人营业地在不同国家的事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前任何时候或订立合同时,当事人之间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报均看不出,应不予考虑。  (3) 在确定本公约的适用时,当事人的国籍和当事人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑。”


Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a long bike ride. Gregg’s friend, Brooks Allen, also liked riding a bike. The two friends talked and made a plan: they would travel from Alaska to Argentina – by bike.

To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked to save money for a long time. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors and ate cheaply. In many places, local people opened their doors to the two friends and gave them food.

On their way, they passed deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins (遗迹) such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And they made many friends from all over the world.

In May 2007 – two years, twelve countries, and over 30,500 kilometres later – Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina. (Near Guatemala, Brooks had to go back and Gregg continued without him.)

The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. What did they learn? Here is some of Gregg’s advice:

Travel light. You should carry many things with you.

Be flexible (灵活). Don’t plan everything. Then you’ll be more relaxed, especially if there are problems.

Be polite. One traveler told Gregg, “Nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice man.” It’s true.


小题1:Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to _______________________.

小题2:Before traveling, the two friends _____________________ to pay for the trip.

小题3:___________ got to Ushuaia, Argentina in May 2007.

小题4:According to the passage, if you don’t plan everything for a trip, ___________________.

小题5:One traveler told Gregg that nobody wants to __________________________.
