问题 填空题






     Read the three postcards and answer the following questions.

Dear Mum and Dad,

     This is not my dream holiday. The weather's awful. I'm sitting in our hotel room and it's rairung quite

hard outside. All the other people in our group are playing cards or sitting miserably under the umbrellas

near the pool.

     In fact,everything's quite miserable here. I can't wait to get home.



Mr ard Mrs Davies

41 Hart Road


     Hi! This is great. We're having a really good time.We're staying in a comfortable small hotel in the

mountains.Right now the sun is shining warmly it's about 23℃ today.I have skiing lessons every morning

and then I practise on the slopes every afternoon. I'm getting quite good. See you soon !


Anna Richards

28 Homefield Avenue

London SW28 4RT


Dear Mum,

      The summer camp is going badly.I'm writing this in my tent and it's raining again. Water is coming

through the tent. Everything's wet. The food is terrible. I'm hungry all the time-and I don't like any of the

other children here. Please send me some money immediately.I want to go home.

                                                                                                                                        Love ,


Mrs Rachel Duffy

158 Museum Street



1. Only one writer really is having a great time,which one? Writer l,2 or 3.


2. Whom did P send the postcard to?


3. Where does Sam come from?


4. What does Sam do every morning?


5. Of the three who needed money most?
