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参考答案:(一)平定三藩之乱 清初,利用明朝降将镇守南方:平西王吴三桂驻云南,平南王尚可喜驻广东,靖南王耿精忠驻福建,称为三藩。康熙十二年(1673年),清廷决定全部撤藩,吴三桂随即在云南发动叛乱,响应吴三桂叛乱的还有福建的靖南王耿精忠和广东的平南王尚之信。经过八年苦战,终于平定三藩之乱。这次平叛的胜利,消除了地方割据势力,使我国避免了一次大分裂,进一步加强了中央对西南边疆地区的控制和管理,有利于统一多民族国家的巩固和发展,有利于国内各地区、各民族间经济和文化的交流与发展。 (二)统一台湾 三藩之乱平定后,康熙帝即用施琅为水师提督,进兵台湾。康熙二十二年(1683年)闰六月,施琅统战船三百,水师二万,攻打澎湖。经过七天激战,收复澎湖,郑军守将刘国轩败回台湾,郑克壤遣使军乞降,清军遂进驻台湾。康熙帝在台湾设一府三县即台湾府和台湾、凤山、诸罗三县,隶于福建省。并在台湾设总兵一员,驻兵八千,在澎湖设副将一员,驻兵二千。康熙帝收复台湾,完成了台湾和大陆之间的政治统一,大大促进了以后台湾的政治、经济与文化的发展。 (三)平定准噶尔部首领叛乱 准噶尔部首领叛乱,始于康熙年间,继续于雍正年间,终结于乾隆年间,历时达七十余年之久。主要事件有:(1)平噶尔丹叛乱,统一外蒙古。(2)平策妄阿拉布坦叛乱,加强对西藏的管理。(3)平定天山南路的大小和卓木叛乱,统一新疆。清廷平定准噶尔叛乱,关系到国家对新疆、西藏、蒙古的统一问题,具有重大的意义。 (四)平定罗卜藏丹津叛乱 雍正元年(1723年),准噶尔部策妄阿拉布坦支持青海和硕特部首领罗卜藏丹津反叛清朝。罗卜藏丹津纠集二十余万人,进攻西宁。雍正帝命年羹尧为大 * * 、岳钟琪为奋威 * * ,统兵进讨。雍正二年(1724年)二月,岳钟琪发动奇袭,罗卜藏丹津军大败,罗卜藏丹津逃到准噶尔部,清朝加强了对青海的统治。 (五)西南地区的改土归流 雍正四年(1726年),雍正帝任命鄂尔泰为云南巡抚兼云贵总督,推行改土归流,把四川的东川、乌蒙、镇雄三土府改隶云南,命他总督三南、贵州、广西三省,负责规划其事。从雍正四年至九年,改土归流在云南、贵州、四川、广西等省次第推行,许多土司被撤消,清廷在原土司地区设立府、厅、州、县,实行与汉族地区相同的制度,如清丈土地、编制户口、纳粮当差等。大大加强了西南地区与内地的联系,有利于促进少数民族地区经济文化的发展,有利于巩固国家统一及西南边防。


Anna Koumikova was born on June 7th, 1981 in Moscow. Her parents' names are Allah and Sergel. When she was 5 years old, her parents sold their TV to buy her the first tennis bat for Christmas. She played in a club near her place until aged 11. Then she moved to Bradenton, Florida(USA) to train with Nick Bollitierri. At 14, she represented Russia in a Fed Cup match and became the youngest player ever to win a Fed Cup match.

Kournikova made her WTA first show at 15 years old at the US Open where she finally lost against player Steffi Graf. But she made it to the double quarter finals that same match. In 1996, Kournikova won the Rookie of the Year award and the next year. She improved very much to even make it to the semi - finals in Wimbledon. She lost to world number one Martina Hingis at the French Open and at Wimbledon. In 1999 she won her professional title at Midland, Miehigon, an international Tennis Federation match. She was 5th favourite in Illinois the same year and won her 2nd career ITF match. She won her first grand slam(大满贯) title ill 1999 with Martina Hingis in doubles at the Australia Open. Since then, they have played regularly together and have quickly become one of the 'best pairs. Aim in 1999,she made her first career WTA final in key Biscayne against Venus Williams in a tough 3 set match. She alto won her first doubles tile with Monica Seles in Tokyo.

At present Kournikova is more successful on the net than at the net. She remains the "most searched" and "most download (网上下载)" on the internet, three times more popular than the NO. 2 sports figure, Michael Jordan. She is still very young and she seems to have a great future ahead !

小题1: Which of the following is right?

A.Kournikova beat Steffi Graf at the US Open when she was 15.

B.Kournikova won the Rookie of the Year award in 1999.

C.Koumikova is now more lucky at the net than on the Internet.

D.In 1997, Kournikova worked hard to make it to the semi - finals in Wimbledon.小题2: Kournikova won her first grand slam title in doubles at the Australia Open with              .

A.Steffi Graf

B.Venus Williams

C.Martina Hingis

D.Monica Seles小题3: From the text we can know Kournikova won her professional title in an ITF match          .

A.at Midland

B.in France

C.in Australia

D.at Biscayne小题4:What can we learn about Kournikova?

A.She has a lot of fans on the Internet.

B.Her parents gave her much support.

C.She beat Martina Hings in 1996.

D.She played tennis for her home country Russia.