问题 阅读理解


     One summer day last year, I visited a city in France in my car. It was late in the afternoon. I couldn't find

the way to the Garden Hotel. When I drove (驾驶) for a long time, I saw a beautiful young woman. She took

a lot of bags with her and came out of a supermarket. I stopped and asked her, "Excuse me, madam. Can you

tell me the way to the Garden Hotel?" "The Garden Hotel? Sure. But it may be difficult for you to find it now.

I'll show you the way if you like."

     "Oh! Thank you very much. Please get into my car."

     Then I helped her put the bags in my car. An hour later, we came to a big house. The young woman said,

"Please stop here."

     I stopped and looked at the house."But this is not a hotel." I said to her.

     "No." she answered with a smile,"This is my house. And now let me show you the way to the Garden

Hotel. Go along the street and turn right on the first turning. Then you can easily find the Garden Hotel on

your left. It's only a two-minute ((分钟) drive from here. And thank you for driving me home."

     Then she took up all the bags and walked to her home.

1. What did the man do that afternoon?

A. He went to meet a young woman.

B. He looked for a hotel.

C. He looked for a supermarket.

D. He wanted to go home.

2. Why did the man stop his car outside the supermarket?

A. He wanted to help the beautiful young woman.

B. The woman asked (叫) him to stop.

C. He wanted to ask the way.

D. His car was a taxi.

3. Why did the woman say "But it may be difficult for you to find it now. I'll show you the way if you like."

A. She wanted the man to drive (驾驶) her home.

B. The hotel was not around here.

C. The hotel was in a busy street.

D. She didn't know the way.

4. Where did the man want to stay that night?

A. In a supermarket.

B. In the house of his friend.

C. In the Garden Hotel.

D. In the young woman's house.

5. Is the woman's house near the Garden Hotel?

A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it isn't.

C. I don't know.

D. About two-minute drive.


1-5        BCACA


( I) 在“探究弹力与弹簧伸长的关系”的实验中,将弹簧水平放置测出其自然长度,然后竖直悬挂让其自然下垂,在其下端竖直向下施加外力F,实验过程是在弹簧的弹性限度内进行的.用记录的外力F与弹簧的形变量x作出的F-x图象如图1所示,由图可知弹簧的劲度系数为______N/m.图线不过原点的原因是______造成的;

( II)如图2的装置中,两个相同的弧形轨道M、N,分别用于发射小铁球P、Q,两轨道上分别装有电磁铁C、D;调节电磁C、D的高度,使AC=BD,从而保证小铁球P、Q在轨道出口处的水平初速度v0相等.将小铁球P、Q分别吸到电磁铁上,然后切断电源,使两小铁球以相同的初速度从轨道M、N下端口射出,实验结果是两小球同时到达E处,发生碰撞.现在多次增加或减小轨道M口离水平面BE的高度(即只改变P球到达水平面速度的竖直分量大小),再进行实验的结果是:


( III) (1)关于图2的“验证机械能守恒定律”实验中,以下说法正确的是






A.vN=gnT           B.vN=


