问题 阅读理解

阅读下列短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。

     One day, when a thief was stealing (偷) an old lady's money, a policeman caught him.

     "Where do you live?" the police asked.

     The thief shrugged (耸肩) and answered, "Here and there."

     "What's your job?" the police went on.

     "This or that."

      In this way, the policeman didn't get any information about him. At last he decided to take the thief

to the police station.

     The thief was afraid and asked, "Sir, when can I come back?"

     "Sooner or later (迟早)," the police answered.

( )1. The thief told the policeman his address.                      

( )2. The thief didn't want the policeman to know anything about him.

( )3. The policeman was satisfied with (对……满意) the thief's answer.

( )4. The thief didn't want to go to the station.                    

( )5. The policeman told the thief when he would be set free(释放).  


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