Khanh is the manager of a shop that sells high quality paintings and reproductions of famous artworks. On 1 November she wrote to Kim and Suong, two established customers, offering the opportunity to purchase reproductions of a painting by a famous artist, each signed by the artist. The letter specifi ed a price of 10 million dong.Khanh’s fi rst letter was to Kim. However, immediately after sending the letter, Khanh discovered she had mis-typed the price as 1 million dong. Khanh immediately wrote another letter withdrawing the offer and stating the correct price of 10 million dong. Both letters were received by Kim in the same delivery. Kim wrote back to Khanh immediately accepting the offer of 1 million dong.Suong replied to Khanh’s letter stating that she would be delighted to accept the offer, but as she was given a 15% discount for her three previous purchases she assumed this would apply again. Suong wrote back to accept the offer enclosing her payment of 8·5 million dong.Khanh subsequently sold the painting to Ngoc for the full price of 10 million dong.Required:
(a) Explain whether Kim has completed a legally binding contract with Khanh by accepting the offer to sell the painting for 1 million dong. (5 marks)