完形填空。 | ||||
I often watched a little girl playing basketball on the playground near my house. She would 1 shooting over and over again, sometimes until 2 . One day I asked her 3 she practiced so hard. She said, "I like basketball. I want to play for the top basketball team. I want to be the 4 . My daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count." I watched her 5 those high school years. One day, I saw her 6 on the grass, head in her arms. I walked to her and asked what was wrong. "Oh, 7 ," she said. "I am just too short." The coach told her that she was too 8 to play for a top team. She was very 9 . I asked her if she had talked to 10 about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were 11 . They just did not understand the power of a 12 . He told her that nothing could 13 her but one thing-her own attitude 14 she really wanted to play for a good basketball team. He told her again, "If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count." The next year, she 15 to join the NCAA women's basketball team. It's true: If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count. 注:(1) count 重要 (2) coach 教练 (3) power 力量 (4) attitude 态度 (5) NCAA 全美大学生体育协会 | ||||
外商企业拟在河网发达的南方/省s市的工业集中区内新建年产60万t精对苯二甲酸(PTA)项目。厂址紧靠J、Z两省交界,北距J省S市30km,东南距Z省X市15km。工程内容主要包括60万t/aPTA主生产装置、自备热电站(3台220t/h循环流化床锅炉,配2×50MW抽凝式汽轮发电机)、码头工程(2个500吨级泊位的液体化工码头和3个500t级泊位的杂货码头)及其他配套的公用工程等。本工程主要化工原料的消耗量及运输方式见表1,主要化工原料在厂区内设贮罐贮存。工程废水污染物的产生情况见表2,拟采取的废水治理措施见图1,厂址区域水系及敏感点分布情况见图2,其中本项目纳污水体乙河执行《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅲ类标准,L河受潮汐影响,经常有逆流现象发生。
表1 主要化工原料消耗及运输方式一览表
表2 废水污染物产生情况一览表
分析本项目选址的环境可行性。 |