In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet. The purpose of the testing phase of software development is not to (71) the absence of errors in the programs being tested, but rather to find as many errors as possible. This statement may seem to contradict one’s intuitive notion of a successful test of a piece of (72) ; however, a successful test is one in which errors have been found, net one in which no errors have been detected. There are generally two kinds of testing method: human testing and machine testing. In most companies where systems are developed, the first testing that occurs is not machine testing, but rather the detection of errors through (73) , team efforts, referred to as walkthroughs and inspection. With these methods, the author of the program forms a group with others who represent programming expertise or who may be part of the project team.
A. logic B. content C. code D. physical
After code has been subjected to the manual testing described above, it is then machine test- ed. Again, the test cases are designed to detect the (74) number of errors. Incremental or integration testing occurs subsequent to unit testing. This means combing modules with those that have already been unit tested. The incremental approach not only tests the (75) of each module, but also the "rippling effects" of errors, and the interfaces among modules.
2011年是中 * * 党成立90周年。中 * * 党在90年领导革命、建设和改革的奋斗历程中,不断从中 * * 精神中汲取营养和智慧,培育形成了井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、大庆精神、“两弹一星”精神、雷锋精神、改革开放精神等伟大精神;党所培育形成的伟大精神,又不断丰富和发展着中 * * 精神。在新的时代条件下,我们需要继续大力弘扬这些伟大精神。