Our thinking is not mature enough when we stereotype people because_______.
A.we neglect their depth and breadth.
B.they are not all jocks, peeks, or freaks.
C.our thinking is similar to that of a very young child.
D.our judgment is always wrong.
译文:当我们用刻板的印象去判断别人的时候,我们的想法总是不够成熟,这是因为_________。 首先按照顺序原则,找到相应的段落,再根据题干给出的关键词来判断,形容词mature(成熟的)可以帮助我们找到:When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking(题干中的our thinking is not mature enough) (not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child) (可以判断C选项不正确our thinking is similar to that of a very young child.)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others. Rather than learn about the depth and breadth of people - their history, interest, values, strengths, and true character - we categorize them as jocks(骗子), peeks(反常的人), or freaks(怪人). 文中提到我们经常忽略人们的价值观、兴趣爱好等具有深度的广度的信息而是简单化把人归类。因此只有A选项we neglect (忽略)their depth and breadth.最为符合。 考点 细节信息查找