问题 单项选择题

甲公司以乙公司为收款人签发了一张银行承兑汇票,汇票上记载的付款日期为2008年7月1日,以下说法正确的是:( )







解析:[考点] 提示付款 《票据法》第53条规定,持票人应当按照下列期限提示付款:(一)见票即付的汇票,自出票日起1个月内向付款人提示付款;(二)定日付款、出票后定期付款或者见票后定期付款的汇票,自到期日起10日内向承兑人提示付款。持票人未按照前款规定期限提示付款的,在作出说明后,承兑人或者付款人仍应当继续对持票人承担付款责任。据此,本题AC项不正确,B项正确。根据《票据法》第23条规定,付款人为银行的,汇票上未记载付款地,付款人的营业场所为付款地,所以D选项不正确。



     I'm Joan Croft. I must have to say that I came into nursing by chance. I didn't really like my first job,

which was office work. It was all right-but that's just about all you can say about it. I stayed in the same

place with the same people around me all day and every day. Then I became a singer, which I enjoyed

very much. But after a while the singing group broke up (解散) and I had to start looking for something


     Some girls have wanted to be nursed ever since they were children, but it never entered my head until

I saw an advertisement in a paper. I wrote in and thought, "Oh, well, I will give it a try." One thing I liked

about it was going away from home.

     The training itself is very interesting and most of it is just on the wards (病房), so that you very quickly

begin nursing real patients.

     I lived in the nurses' home when I arrived and I had my own room, which was very nice. I like nursing

more than I ever thought I would. I'II always carry on nursing. I have got a boy friend, who is a doctor,

so I hope to get married sometime, but wherever I live there's sure to be a hospital in the place and there is

always a job for a nurse.

1. What was Joan's first job?


2. Why didn't Joan like her first job? 


3. Why didn't Joan go on with her second job? 


4. How did Joan find out the information about the nursing job? 


5. What was Joan's plan for the future? 

