问题 选择题

依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是(   )

①我把我非常深厚的情感_____ 在我的诗作里,只希望能够引起读者的共鸣而已。

②这位法学专家认为,像这样以解决职工住房困难、改善职工住房条件为名,进行集资建房,实际上是侵占公共资源、_____ 国有资产。

③为了使整个文物展览会举办得更加充实,博物馆的领导曾多次派多人到革命老区_____ 文物。









It was a rather hot day. Everybody seemed to be looking for some kind of relief, so an ice cream store was a natural place to stop at.

A little girl, holding her money firmly, entered the store. Before she could say a word, the store clerk sharply told her to get outside and read the sign on the door, and stay out until she put on the shoes. She left slowly, and a big man followed her out of the store.

The man watched as she stood in front of the store and read the sign. “No Bare (赤裸) Feet”.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she turned and walked away. Just then the big man called to her. After sitting down on the roadside, he took off his size-12 shoes, set them in front of the girl and saying, “Here, you won’t be able to walk in these, but if you slide (拖) along, you can get your ice cream.”

Then he lifted the little girl up and set her feet into the shoes. “Take your time,” he said, “I get tired of moving them around, and it’s good to just sit here and eat my ice cream.”

The shining eyes of the little girl could not be missed as she ordered her ice cream.

He was a big man, all right. Big body, big shoes, but most of all, he had a big heart.

小题1:The little girl wasn’t allowed to enter the store because ______.

A.she was dirty

B.she had no money

C.the store was closed

D.she had no shoes on小题2:What happened to the little girl in the end?

A.The big man bought an ice cream for her.

B.The store clerk took an ice cream out to her.

C.She got her ice cream with the big man’s shoes.

D.She left the store without getting her ice cream.小题3:From the story we can conclude (得出结论)that the big man is ______.






     Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess
approached me and asked, " Would you mind   1   your seat? A couple would like to sit together." The
only   2   seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad
expression. "  3   am I going to sit there," I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, "She needs
help." Finally, I   4   to move to that seat.
    The girl was named Kathy. She  5   hurt in a car accident and now was on her way for  6  .
    When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to   7   that Kathy would not be able to 
  8   herself. I considered   9   to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too   10   to offer a service to a
  11  . But then I realized that Kathy's need was more   12   than my discomfort. I offered to help her
eat, and   13    she was uncomfortable to accept, she   14   as I expected. We became closer and
closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart   15   , and the   16   was
really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.
     I was very glad I had reached   17   my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love   18   
flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us  19  . When we   20   to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

( )1. A. losing      
( )2. A. comfortable
( )3. A. No problem  
( )4. A. decided    
( )5. A. has been    
( )6. A. treatment  
( )7. A. know        
( )8. A. eat        
( )9. A. offering    
( )10. A. impolite  
( )11. A. girl      
( )12. A. unusual    
( )13. A. when      
( )14. A. refused    
( )15. A. had warmed
( )16. A. life      
( )17. A. below      
( )18. A. seldom    
( )19. A. separate  
( )20. A. happen    
B. changing    
B. suitable    
B. No way      
B. wanted      
B. would be    
B. travel      
B. say        
B. feed        
B. needing    
B. far        
B. neighbor    
B. direct      
B. although    
B. wondered    
B. had jumped  
B. money      
B. through    
B. never      
B. independent
B. stretch    
C. taking    
C. available
C. Nowhere  
C. regretted
C. used to be
C. pleasure  
C. realize  
C. choose    
C. stopping  
C. close    
C. passenger
C. important
C. since    
C. cried    
C. had broken
C. time      
C. across    
C. hardly    
C. silent    
C. wait      
D. giving    
D. favorable  
D. No doubt  
D. promised  
D. had been  
D. business  
D. recognize  
D. support    
D. trying    
D. fast      
D. stranger  
D. shameful  
D. as        
D. did        
D. had cheered
D. energy    
D. beyond    
D. sometimes  
D. upset      
D. continue