问题 材料题


中国2010年上海世界博览会(Expo 2010),是第41届世界博览会,也是由中国举办的首届世界博览会。上海世博会把《清明上河图》制作成多媒体长卷,用北宋繁华的都市风貌,辉映其“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City,Better)的主题。

(1)《清明上河图》是北宋哪位画家的不朽作品?描绘了哪 一城市的繁荣景象?_____________________________________________________________________(2)当时该城内有许多娱乐兼营商业的场所,称为什么?有很多供来往客人住宿的地方,叫做什么?达官贵人出行乘坐哪一种交通工具?_____________________________________________________________________(3)上海世博会吉祥物“海宝”是有招来“四海之宝”之意。请你说说早在南宋时政府就采取什么政策招来“四海之宝”?当时主要港口城市有哪些?(写出两个)政府设立什么机构管理对外贸易?_____________________________________________________________________(4)如果要在“上海世博会”上展出宋代发明的科技成就,请你推荐两件最能代表中 * * 对世界文明发展具有重大贡献的发明。_____________________________________________________________________(5)结合上述问题,谈谈你对宋代城市经济生活的认识。_____________________________________________________________________








Obama has made history by becoming the first African-American in American history.

Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His parents didn’t live together when he was two years old and later divorced. Obama grew up with his mother in Hawaii, and for a few years in Indonesia. Later, he moved to New York, where he graduated from Columbia University in 1983. Obama met his wife, Robinson, in June, 1989 and married her on October 3rd, 1992. The couple’s first daughter was born in 1998, followed by a second daughter in 2001.

Obama took office in January 20, 2009. However, just when he became the president, he had to face many serious challenges ---- two foreign wars, the climate change and what he had described as “the worst financial crisis (经济危机) in a century”. But Obama said that he himself had been ready to face these challenges.

Obama’s success is a true milestone. It speaks to the fact that in America you really do get a chance to do anything, if you have the talent and abilities and you work hard enough.

小题1:   How old was Obama when he became the American president?




D.31.小题2:   Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Obama grew up with his father in Hawaii.

B. Obama has two sons with Robison.

C. Obama is the first black president in the USA.

D. Columbia University is in Washington.

小题3:Obama’s success tells us that __________.

A.any black people can become the president

B.you can succeed if you are talented enough

C.everyone can succeed if he is lucky enough

D.a talented person can succeed if he works hard enough小题4:   What does the underlined phrase “took office” in the third paragraph mean?




D.竞选小题5:   According to the passage, Obama had to face the following challenges except for _____________.

A.the climate change

B.the financial crisis

C.the population problem

D.foreign wars
