问题 单项选择题 A1型题









解析:考点:1.中极在下腹部,前正中线上,当脐中下4寸。小便不利、遗尿、疝气、遗精、阳痿、月经不周、崩漏、带下、阴挺、不孕。2.关元在下腹部,前正中线上,当脐中下3寸。遗尿、小便频数、尿闭、泄泻、腹痛、遗精、阳痿、中风脱证、虚劳赢瘦(本穴有强壮作用,为保健要穴)。3.神阙在腹中部,脐中央。腹痛、泄泻、脱肛、水肿、虚脱。4.中脘在上腹部,前正中线上,当脐中上4寸。胃痛、呕吐、吞酸、呃逆、腹胀、泄泻、黄疸、癫狂。5.膻中在胸部,当前正中线上,平第4肋间,两 * * 连线的中点。咳嗽、气喘、胸痛、心悸、乳少、呕吐、噎膈。6.廉泉在颈部,当前正中线上,结喉上方,舌骨上缘凹陷处。舌下肿痛、舌纵流涎、舌强不语、暴喑、喉痹、吞咽困难。

     I was very fond of hunting when I was a young man. In the autumn of 1915, I was   1   in the northwest
of India. One evening, after hunting in the forest all   2  , I was returning alone to the place where I had   3   
up my tent. I was tired   4   hungry. It was getting   5   and darker, and I was walking slowly   6   a narrow
path. On my right was a wide river; on my left, a   7  , dark forest. All of a   8  , I saw two green eyes looking
at me from among the trees. I knew it   9   be a man-eating tiger. The tiger was getting ready to  10  on me.
      My heart  11 . What could I do? Should I jump  12  the river and hope to save my life  13  swimming? I
looked to the  14 . In the river there was a  15  crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth  16  open. I
was so  17  that I shut my eyes. And I thought it would be the end of my  18 . I heard branches moving 19  
the tiger roared (咆哮) and jumped.  20  then I opened my eyes. What do you think had happened? The tiger
had jumped right over me and now in the jaws (嘴) of the crocodile.
( )1. A. practising  
( )2. A. day         
( )3. A. turned      
( )4. A. but          
( )5. A.  colder     
( )6. A. by          
( )7. A. thick       
( )8. A. shock       
( )9. A. could       
( )10. A. live        
( )11. A. beat        
( )12. A. across      
( )13. A. on          
( )14. A. front       
( )15. A. big         
( )16. A. long        
( )17. A. tired       
( )18. A. work        
( )19. A. though      
( )20. A. Just        
B. study ing 
B. night     
B. put       
B. and       
B. warmer    
B. beside    
B. strong    
B. joy       
B. can       
B. depend    
B. sank      
B. over      
B. of        
B. back      
B. small     
B. short     
B. excited       
B. study     
B. as        
B. Even      
C. p lanting  
C. the time   
C. made       
C. or         
C. brighter   
C. along      
C. tall       
C. sudden     
C. must       
C. look       
C. ached      
C. into       
C. with       
C. left       
C. dead       
C. wide       
C. frightened     
C. day        
C. but        
C. Still      
D. travelling   
D. the year     
D. brought      
D. n or         
D. latter       
D. on           
D. short        
D. surprise     
D. should       
D. jump         
D. jumped                          
D. from         
D. by           
D. right        
D. dying        
D. narrow       
D. surprised    
D. life         
D. or           
D. Only         