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材料一:2011年12月18日至19日,国务院 * * 温 * * 在江苏进行调研时指出,当前我国经济发展势头总体良好,但也面临不少新情况、新问题。我们既要看到有利条件,增强发展的信心,又要充分估计形势的复杂性和严峻性,做好应对困难和挑战的准备。应对经济下行,最重要的是要有新的科技突破。



现象一  看到别的同学有一套梁山好汉卡,一些学生为了集齐梁山108条好汉的卡片,毫不吝啬地把零花钱“倾注于”某种品牌的方便面上。然而,只取卡,不要面。

现象二 精品店里,女生们为自己喜爱的精美商品心甘情愿地花掉一大笔钱。


(2)联系实际: 假如你一个月中你有400元的零花钱,你将怎样合理安排你的个人消费(至少从两个方面回答)? (6分)








In 2007, the first solar electric boat crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Now a Swiss group wants to cover that distance and keep going, circling the globe on nothing but the sun’s power for the first time.

The team of engineers and scientists has started the building of its 98-foot long boat, named Planet Solar, in Kiel Germany. The boat’s power will come from the 5,000 square feet of solar panels(电池板), about the size of two tennis courts, covering its broad deck. When the sun is shining bright above, they will turn 23 percent of the sun’s rays to energy — six percent more than average solar panels.

Even though batteries aboard Planet Solar can store enough energy to power it through up to three days of cloudy weather, the sailors will try to avoid clouds: constant communication with the French meteorological institute, Meteo France, will help the sailors stay with the sunny course.

The $11.5 million project, which is led by Raphael Domjan, should be ready for its first voyage next summer. The solar electric boat will warm up in European waters, and attempt to deal with traveling around the globe in spring 2011. At a maximum speed of 16 mph, Planet Solar will be the fastest solar electric boat. The team expects to finish the first leg of its journey across the Atlantic in about two weeks, compared to the six months the solar boat took back in 2007.

If sailing by sun becomes practical, it would be a return to the green boating methods of the days of Christopher Columbus. Those long-ago voyages relied only on a different type of renewable energy: wind. And, if wind-powered sails could be combined with solar panels, we might really pick up the boating speed.

57. Which of the following is NOT true about Planet Solar?

A. Its deck is covered by solar panels.

B. It will be the fastest solar electric boat.

C. It is 98-foot long and is to be made in Germany.

D. It can turn 17 percent of the sun’s rays into energy.

58. Planet Solar will be likely to __________ in continuous rainy weather.

A. continue traveling forward

B. ask the local weather station for help

C. stop to wait for the weather to clear up

D. turn to Meteo France for help to choose the sunny course

59. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Sailing by solar energy has not been widely used in today’s green boating.

B. Planet Solar will be the first boat to circle the globe using solar energy in 2011.

C. The solar panels in Planet Solar can turn more sunlight to energy than average ones.

D. Batteries aboard Planet Solar can be consumed for at most three days of cloudy weather.

60. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Planet Solar uses solar energy all over the world.

B. Planet Solar aims to be the first to circle the globe.

C. Planet Solar collects a different kind of renewable energy.

D. Planet Solar combines traditional methods with modern technology.

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