问题 判断题

经检验检疫后认定商品不合格时,检验检疫机构不必出具任何证书。 ( )



解析: 根据《中华人民-共和国进出口商品检验法实施条仍》第19条规定,除法律、行政法规另有规定外,法定检验的进口商品经检验,涉及人身财产安全、健康、环境保护项目不合格的,由出入境检验检疫机构责令当事人销毁,或者出具退货处理通知单并书面告知海关,海关凭退货处理通知单办理退运手续;其他项目不合格的,可以在出入境检验检疫机构的监督下进行技术处理,经重新检验合格的,方可销售或者使用。当事人申请出入境检验检疫机构出证的,出入境检验检疫机构应当及时出证。 出入境检验检疫机构对检验不合格的进口成套设备及其材料,签发不准安装使用通知书。经技术处理,并经出入境检验检疫机构重新检验合格的,方可安装使用。第20条规定,法定检验以外的进口商品,经出入境检验检疫机构抽查检验不合格的,依照本条例.第19条的规定处理。 因此,本题说法错误。


Lichens may grow on the bark of a tree in a steaming tropical rain forest, on the bricks of big city buildings, on rocks in hot springs, on wind-swept mountaintops, and in the driest desserts. In the arctic, they provide the principal food for caribou, and they are one of the few plants that grow in Antarctica. They are pioneers, appearing in barren rocky areas and starting the formation of soil in which mosses, then ferns, and then other plants can take root.
Lichens are a partnership of two plants — fungi and algae. The lichen body is made up of a network of fungal strands. In the upper layers of these grow groups of algae. The two organisms live together to the benefit of both, a relationship known as symbiosis. The fungi provide support, absorb water, and shelter the tender algae from direct sunlight. The algae carry on photosynthesis and provide the fungi with food. The algae can live independently and are recognizable as a species that grows alone. The fungi, on the other hand, cannot live apart from their partners. They can be placed in known classes of fungi but are unlike any species that lives independently.
So definite are the form, color, and characteristics of these double organisms that for hundreds of years, they were classified as one. More than 15,000 "species" were named. If these organisms are classified as separate species, it is difficult to fit them into the existing system of classification. But if they are classified separately, these species of fungi seem rather strange. Lichens are a splendid example of the difficulties faced by taxonomists in classifying species.

According to the passage, the algae ______ .

A.may not carry on photosynthesis alone

B.supply food to the fungi

C.can’t live separately

D.aren’t recognizable as a species

单项选择题 A1/A2型题