问题 阅读理解


     John liked to wear his hair very long. Some of  his friends thought it looked like a girl's hair, but they

never made jokes about it, because John was a big strong man and he didn't think jokes about his hair


     John always went to the barber's (理发店) twice a month to have his hair cut and washed, and one

day the barber said to him. "Now why  don't you let me cut most of this hair off and make your head tidy? Nobody will recognize (认出) you if I do that. I'm sure."

      John said nothing for a few seconds and then he said,"perhaps you are right, but I am sure that

nobody will recognize you, either, if you do that to my hair."

1. John kept long hair because _______.

A. the barber wouldn't like to cut it short

B. the hair grew fast

C. John liked it to be long

D. John was a girl

2. His friends never made jokes about the hair because _______.

A. the hair is funny

B. John was big and strong

C. John liked his hair very much

D. John didn't like jokes about his hair and they were afraid of him

3. A barber is a _______.

A. man who looks after the babies

B. man who makes clothes for people

C. person who cut men's hair

D. shop where one's hair can be washed and cut

4. The barber advised (建议) John _______.

A. to have his hair cut short

B. to cut off most of his hair

C. to be cut off his long hair

D. not to be recognized by his friends

5.John's answer was _______.

A. a joke    

B. right    

C. a great praise (称赞)  

D. threatening (威胁) to the barber


1-5     CDCAD

单项选择题 案例分析题

一般资料:求助者,男性,41岁,某公司技术总监。 案例介绍:求助者在国外学有所成,有自己的技术专利,同国后与他人创建公司,但在公司发展战略、宏观管理等方面与其他高管存在矛盾,求助者认为自己站得高、看得远,但人际关系问题已经明显影响了自己和公司的发展,为此非常苦恼,主动前来咨询。 下面是心理咨询师与该求助者的一段咨询对话。 心理咨询师:根据你的情况,我想用求助者中心疗法帮助你解决问题,你看可以吗? 求助者:可以,这个方法怎么做呀? 心理咨询师:求助者中心疗法是建立在哲学基础之上的,它的基本假设是:人性本善,人是完全可以信赖的,人都有自我实现和成长的能力,有很大的潜能理解自己并解决自己的问题,而无需咨询师进行直接干预,也就是说人们可以自己治愈自己。 求助者:是吗?那可太好了,可咨询具体怎么做啊? 心理咨询师:求助者中心疗法的实质,就是我帮助你通过价值条件作用,去除你用来应付生活的面具或角色,使你恢复成真正自我的过程,就是寻找迷失的自我,探讨真正的自我,重建新的自我的过程,也是你学习与改变自我的过程。用一句话总结是:通过促进你的自我成长,使你成为一个自我实现的人。 求助者:那具体怎么做呢? 心理咨询师:首先咱们要建立良好的咨询关系,咨询关系是最重要的,然后以心理问题为导向,通过促进心理成长的三种技术,促进你的心理成长。 求助者:促进心理成长还有技术啊? 心理咨询师;有啊,有设身处地地理解的技术、坦诚交流的技术以及表达无条件积极关注的技术。 求助者:这些技术怎么使用啊? 心理咨询师:这些技术主要是我使用的,通过使用就会促进你的心理成长使你能够解决自身的问题。 求助者:我明白了,我最想解决的是人际关系问题,你就用这种方法帮助我吧。 心理咨询师:好吧,咱们先讨论一下咨询目标,就是通过咨询你想达到什么样的目标,我将按照这个目标去帮助你。 求助者:我知道了。 心理咨询师:按照求助者中心疗法的观点,许多心理问题的产生,都是因为环境出了问题,影响了人的自我实现,其中人际关系是最重要的,要想解决问题,最为关键的就是要达到开发潜能,促进自我实现。






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