问题 阅读理解


     John liked to wear his hair very long. Some of  his friends thought it looked like a girl's hair, but they

never made jokes about it, because John was a big strong man and he didn't think jokes about his hair


     John always went to the barber's (理发店) twice a month to have his hair cut and washed, and one

day the barber said to him. "Now why  don't you let me cut most of this hair off and make your head tidy? Nobody will recognize (认出) you if I do that. I'm sure."

      John said nothing for a few seconds and then he said,"perhaps you are right, but I am sure that

nobody will recognize you, either, if you do that to my hair."

1. John kept long hair because _______.

A. the barber wouldn't like to cut it short

B. the hair grew fast

C. John liked it to be long

D. John was a girl

2. His friends never made jokes about the hair because _______.

A. the hair is funny

B. John was big and strong

C. John liked his hair very much

D. John didn't like jokes about his hair and they were afraid of him

3. A barber is a _______.

A. man who looks after the babies

B. man who makes clothes for people

C. person who cut men's hair

D. shop where one's hair can be washed and cut

4. The barber advised (建议) John _______.

A. to have his hair cut short

B. to cut off most of his hair

C. to be cut off his long hair

D. not to be recognized by his friends

5.John's answer was _______.

A. a joke    

B. right    

C. a great praise (称赞)  

D. threatening (威胁) to the barber


1-5     CDCAD



材料一 郑官应(1842-1923,又名郑观应)的一生是与中国近代史相始终的,是旧中国的一个缩影。他认为要把中 * * 从危亡中拯救出来,就必需承认自鸦片战争以后,中国面临着一个三千来未有大变局,因此中国也需要变。他认定要与资本主义列强抗衡,就“不得不亟思控制,因变达权”。他呈给光绪的《盛世危言》的自序写道:“育才于学堂论政于议院,君民一体、上下同心,务实而戒虚,谋定而后动,此其体也。轮船、火炮、洋枪、水雷、铁路、电线,此其用也。中国遗其体而求其用,无论竭蹶步趋,常不相及;就令铁舰成行,铁路四达,果足恃欤?”


材料二 郑官应指出,那些西洋人恃以雄峙海外的科学技术是“积数百年研究之功始得,一旦贯通其学,神而明之,存乎其人,非偶然矣”。由此而提出组织力量译述西学,设学堂培养人才的建议。其次,他把西学分为天学、地学、人学三部分。所谓“人学”,既包括语言、文字,也包括一切政教、刑法、食货、制造、商贾、工技诸艺。由此得出的逻辑的结论,就是学习西学不仅是学习“长技”,而且要学习西方几乎所有的人文科学。郑官应说“欲强国先富国,欲富国先富民,而富民之道则不外以实业为总枢,欧美各国历史昭昭可考。”即要抵御外国的侵略就必须民富,而民富又必须国强来保护;要民富、国强则必须改革政治,削减君权,实行代表资产阶级利益的君主立宪。他认为专制政体对外已丧失御侮的力量,对内也不具有保护资本主义工商业的能力。


