问题 单项选择题










Last year, I was speaking at a gathering of wealthy male investors. The organizers posted the   1  of a survey showing that only a small percentage of wealthy men believed their wives spent too much.

'What?'   2  one participant. 'Those guys have to be lying.'

There is no reliable   3  of who spends more among the rich: men or women. Both will say the other is the   4  spender.

A recent survey by Wilmington Trust, Campden Research and Relative Solutions proves the   5  . The companies polled 40 women (I know, that is more like a show of hands than 'survey'), each with a net worth of $25 million or more.

About half the respondents(受调查者) inherited(.继承) their   6  , a quarter   7  it from their husbands and the other quarter earned it   8   . That is roughly in line with other surveys of   9  women and the source of their money. One interesting note: among the self-made women, 90% got their money from owning a business, rather than   10  a salary.

As for   11   , almost all the women (90%) described their spending habits as 'below their means.' The report on the survey said that is 'possibly   12  they do not view their extreme wealth as defining their success.

'Women tend not to spend as much as   13  and splash(泼洒得使到处是) their names all over the place,' said one woman in the survey, describing her spending as conservative and he lifestyle as 'below the radar.'

Many women also worried about wealth having   14   effects on their children and didn't want to spend lavishly(挥霍) to   15  a bad example.

At the same time, 70% of the women said they 'buy nice things when   16   .' And 93.5% of the women said they were responsible for making   17  on major purchases, which   18  that they do a lot of the big spending.

Of course, for truly major purchases a house in Aspen, Colo., a Gulfstream, a Feadship the couple probably makes the decision   19  .

But what about other   20  ? Do you think men or women do most of the high-end spending?

(   ) 1. A. results                B. reasons             C. times                D. directions

(   ) 2. A. cried                  B. sighed              C. shouted            D. laughed

(   ) 3. A. data                   B. measure            C. division            D. news

(   ) 4. A. biggest               B. bigger              C. smaller             D. worse

(   ) 5. A. matter                B. message            C. point                D. report

(   ) 6. A. spirit                 B. money              C. habit                D. cost

(   ) 7. A. bought                      B. robbed             C. got                   D. earned

(   ) 8. A. itself                  B. herself              C. ourselves          D. themselves

(   ) 9. A. wealthy              B. poor                 C. ordinary            D. honest

(   ) 10. A. making            B. earning             C. taking              D. spending

(   ) 11. A. buying             B. wasting            C. spending           D. saving

(   ) 12. A. when                      B. if                     C. whether            D. because

(   ) 13. A. women             B. youth                      C. adults               D. men

(   ) 14. A. serious             B. good                C. bad                  D. various

(   ) 15. A. send                 B. set                   C. do                    D. give

(   ) 16. A. necessary          B. possible            C. pleased             D. anxious

(   ) 17. A. plans                B. decisions          C. appointments    D. suggestions

(   ) 18. A. notices             B. stresses             C. implies             D. intends

(   ) 19. A. away                B. together            C. as well             D. out

(   ) 20. A. purchases         B. effects              C. differences        D. examples


A企业为了控制合同风险,明确规定其法定代表人张某对外签订合同的最高限额为 200万元。2005年4月1日,张某在一次商品交易会上,为了抓住稍纵即逝的商机,代表A企业与B企业签订了一份250万元的买卖合同,B企业并不知道张某违反了A企业的内部规定。按照买卖合同的约定,由A企业在2005年6月5日前向B企业提供货物,B企业收到货物后的10天内支付货款250万元。 2005年6月1日,A企业按照合同约定完成全部货物的生产,6月2日A企业有确切证据得知B企业经营状况严重恶化,可能无力支付250万元的货款。6月5日,B企业要求 A企业提交货物,遭到A企业的拒绝,A企业要求B企业提供担保。B企业以自己的机床作为抵押,担保的价值为100万元,同时B企业请求C企业的分支机构甲为保证人,甲担保的价值为150万元,甲取得了C企业的担保授权委托书。6月20日,A、B签订了抵押合同,双方在抵押合同中约定,如B企业不能支付到期货款,该机床的所有权直接归A企业所有。6月22日,A、B企业办理了抵押物的登记手续。S月30日,A企业与甲分支机构签订了保证合同,双方在保证合同中约定,甲的保证方式为连带保证,但双方未约定保证期间和保证担保的范围。 7月1日,A企业按照合同约定向B企业提交了全部货物。B企业接到货物后,对标的物的数量和质量未提出异议,但由于经营状况不佳,7月10日(支付货款的最后期限)无力支付货款。7月12日,A企业向B企业要求行使抵押权,发现该机床已经被B企业转让。该转让行为A企业并不知道,另外,B企业转让价款用于支付另一企业的货款。2006年6月1日,A企业要求C企业承担保证责任,支付其担保的150万元,C企业表示拒绝。A企业于是请求人民法院判定C企业履行保证责任, 要求:根据上述事实及有关规定,分别回答以下问题: (1) A、B两个企业签订的买卖合同是否有效并说明理由。 (2) A企业在2005年6月5日是否可以中止履行合同并说明理由。 (3) A、B两个企业签订的抵押合同是否有效并说明理由。 (4) A企业与C企业的分支机构甲签订的保证合同是否有效并说明理由。 (5) 在A、甲的保证合同中,保证期间如何界定 (6) B企业转让该机床的行为是否符合《物权法》的规定并说明理由。 (7) 甲分支机构拒绝履行保证责任的理由是否成立并说明理由。