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       Three explorers, an Englishman, an American and an Australian were lost in the jungle.

       They had left home for six months before to explore the jungle and got lost.

       They had no food left, and they were weak and ill.

       They knew that if they did not find a village soon, they would die.

       Then, during the night, they were visited by a jungle spirit.

       "I'm the spirit of the jungle," it said. "I feel sorry for you. You may have three wishes. "

       "Does that mean three wishes each, or three wishes among us?" the American explorer asked.

       "I will give each of you one wish," the spirit of the jungle said.

       The English explorer, who was very polite, said to the American and Australian explorers," Please,

  you wish first. "

       The Australian explorer, who was almost as polite as the English explorer said, "Please, you wish the


       "Very well," the Englishman said," I don't have to think for a minute. I know exactly what to wish for.

  I wish to be back home with my wife and family. "

       Immediately he disappeared.

       "That's wonderful," the Australian explorer said, "My wish is similar. I'd like to be back in Australia."

       And immediately he disappeared.

       The American was left alone.

       "And what is your wish?" the spirit of the jungle asked him.

       "Those two explorers were nice men," the American explorer said, "We became close friends. To tell

  you the truth, I am feeling rather lonely here without them. I wish they were back here again."


1. Where were the three men exploring?


2. Why did the jungle spirit offer them three wishes?


3. How many wishes did the three men have among them?


4. What did the Australian man wish?


5. What did the American man wish? Why?



1. They were exploring in the jungle.

2. Because he pitied them. (Or because he felt sorry for them. )

3. They had three wishes among them.

4. He wished back in Australia.

5. He wished the other two men would return because he was feeling lonely there without them.


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