问题 阅读理解


     Sidney didn't have a girl friend and no one wanted to go out with him. He wasn't very tall and he didn't have a car,

either. All the girls that he knew liked tall men with cars. So Sidney sent two dollars and a self-addressed envelope

(写上自己地址的信封) to Computer-date (计算机红娘). After a few days he received a letter: "Find love at last..."

They also sent him the names and addresses of six girls. "Six girls who are waiting to meet you!"

     Sidney rushed to the phone. He phoned Amanda Shelling. She was at the top of his list.

     "How lovely! " she said, "Will you come for me in your car?"

     Sidney put the phone down quietly.

     Then he rang Deborah Basil.

     "How lovely!" she said, "I'll meet you at the bus stop outside my house."

     "How nice!" Sidney thought.

     At half past seven Sidney put on his best clothes. He didn't brush his hair because he liked it " natural (自然的)",

then he walked to the bus stop. A girl was standing by the stop looking at her watch.

     "Excuse me," said Sidney. "Are you Deborah Basil?"

     "Are you Sidney Shooter?" she asked after a minute.

     "Yes, that's right," said Sidney with a smile.

     "There's some mistake," she answered. "I'm not Deborah Basil."

1. Why didn't Sidney have a girl friend?

A. Because he was poor.

B. Because he never went out with girls.

C. Because he wasn't very tall and he didn't have a car.

D. Because he never wanted to have one.

2. When Sidney received the letter, he felt __________.

A. happy

B. interested

C. lonely

D. sad

3. Why did Sidney stop talking with Amanda Shelling?

A. Because he didn't think she was beautiful.

B. Because the telephone line was busy.

C. Because he didn't want to see her.

D. Because he had no car.

4. The girl standing by the bus stop was __________.

A. Amanda Shelling

B. Deborah Basil

C. Sidney's girl friend

D. Miss Shooter

5. Why did the girl say "I'm not Deborah Basil"?

A. Because she was really not Deborah Basil.

B. Because she did not want to become Sidney's friend.

C. Because Sidney was not polite.

D. Because there was some mistake.


1-5   CADBB


材料一  2009年9月15日-18日,党的17届四中全会在北京举行。全会通过了《中 * * 关于加强和改进新形势下党的建设若干重大问题的决定》,全会指出,世情、国情、党情的深刻变化,对党建提出了新要求,全党必须居安思危,增强忧患意识,勇于变革,勇于创新,继续推进党的建设新的伟大工程。提出“必须按照科学理论武装、具有世界眼光、善于把握规律、富有创新精神的要求,把建设马克思主义学习型政党作为重大而紧迫的战略任务抓紧抓好”的建设马克思主义学习型政党的目标。

材料二 全会认为,我们党在长期执政实践中,探索形成了我们党作为马克思主义执政党加强自身建设的基本经验,这就是:坚持把思想理论建设放在首位,提高全党马克思主义水平;坚持把推进党的建设伟大工程同推进党领导的伟大事业紧密结合起来,保证党始终成为社会主义事业的坚强领导核心;坚持以执政能力建设和先进性建设为主线,保证党始终走在时代前列;坚持立党为公、执政为民,保持党同人民群众的血肉联系;坚持改革创新,增强党的生机活力;坚持党要管党、从严治党,提高管党治党水平。

(1)运用政治生活知识,分析为什么新形势下要加强和改进党的建设?(4分 )

(2)结合材料一建设马克思主义学习型政党的目标,分析“用科学理论武装全党,富有创新精神”的文化生活依据。(4分 )

(3)分析材料二党加强自身建设的六条经验蕴含的唯物辩证法道理。(6分 )

(4)分析中 * * 党“坚持立党为公、执政为民,保持党同人民群众的血肉联系”所体现的的价值判断的正确性。(4分)
