机杼( ) 鞍鞯( ) 胡骑( )
金柝( ) 策勋( ) 赏赐( )
zhù、ān jiān、jì、tuò、xūn
①全面放开金融机构贷款利率管制 ②改革公司注册资本登记制度
③取消和免征多项行政事业性收费 ④按比例压缩政府一般性支出
A ①③④ B ①②④ C ②③④ D ①②③
Wet umbrellas are not allowed _____ into the classroom. If there is any, then the monitor is ______ . [ ]
A. to be taken, to blame
B. to be taken, to be blamed
C. being taken, to blame
D. taken, to be blamed