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【文字开始】 供应商为什么对与大卖场的谈判存有如此的困惑呢不外乎以下几个原因:谈判内容:大卖场的操作规则通常是严谨的一个体系,涉及到的谈判细节很多,有很多供应商的谈判人员都被搞的晕头转向,不能很好的把握重点,使自己处于劣势,自然就把握不好谈判的质量和火候。谈判人员素质:大卖场的采购一般都具有相对较高的文化素质和专业度,大都经过严格系统的采购专业训练,所以综合素质比一般的供应商人员要高,他们的谈判技巧也是普通的没受过训练的供应商人员很难比的。那么大卖场是如何定位谈判,并制定了怎样的谈判流程和规则呢 【文字结束】





The effect of the baby boom on the schools helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public education in the 1920’s. In the 1920’s, but especially (1) the Depression of the 1930’s, the United States experienced a (2) birth rate. Then with the prosperity (3) on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it, young people married and (4) households earlier and began to (5) larger families than had their (6) during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946, 106.2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955. (7) economics was probably the most important (8) , it is not the only explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed (9) the idea of the family also helps to (10) this rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began streaming (11) the first grade by the mid-1940’s and became a (12) by 1950. The public school system suddenly found itself (13) The wartime economy meant that few new schools were buih between 1940 and 1945. (14) , large numbers of teachers left their profession during that period for better-paying jobs elsewhere.

(15) , in the 1950’s, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system. Consequently, the custodial rhetoric of the 1930’s no longer made (16) ; keeping youths ages sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a high (17) for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach younger children. With the baby boom, the focus of educators (18) turned toward the lower grades and back to basic academic skills and (19) . The system no longer had much (20) in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths.


A. at

B. on

C. for

D. with

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