问题 单项选择题












解析 A:根据图直接看出来大型企业在10-12月的月度同比增速回升拉升作用最大,所以A错。 B:有题目可知2011年小微型企业的增加值为4584-4584÷(1+6.7)=287.8; 2011年重型的企业的增加值为3217-3217÷(1+6.8%)=204.8;小微型企业>中型企业,B错。 C:利润率=利润÷成本*100%,由题目的最后一句文字可以看出该省规模以上工业企业主营收入56730亿元,比上年增长3.5%,增速比全国低7.5个百分点;利润总额2900亿元,比上年下降6.1%。所以C错。 D:从表中就可看出第三季度大型企业工业增加值同比增速高于其他两类企业。D正确。 故正确答案为D选项。 考点:综合推断型


Charles Darwin wed his cousin Emma and spawned 10 children, including four brilliant scientists. Albert Einstein’s second wife Elsa was his first cousin. Queen Victoria said “I do” to hers. So have millions worldwide. In parts of Saudi Arabia, 39% of all marriages are between first cousins.

In the U. S., though, the practice bears a stigma of inbreeding just this side of incest. The taboo is not only social hut legislative; 24 states ban the marriage of first cousins: five others allow it only if the couple is unable to bear children. A major reason for this ban is the belief that kids of first cousins are tragically susceptible to serious congenital illnesses.

That view may have to change. A comprehensive study published recently in the Journal of Genetic Counseling indicates such children run an only slightly higher risk of significant genetic disorders like congenital heart defects — about two percentage points above the average 3% to 4%. Says the study’s lead author, Robin Bennett, president-elect of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, which funded the study: “Aside from a thorough medical family history, there is no need to offer any genetic testing on the basis of consanguinity alone”.

Publication of the study will do more than tweak public awareness; it will enlighten doctors who have urged cousin couples not to have children. “Just this week,” says Bennett, “I saw a 23-year-old woman who had had a tubal ligation because her parents were cousins and her doctor told her she shouldn’t have children.”

The American proscription against cousin marriages grew in the 19th century as wilderness settlers tried to distinguish themselves from the “savage” Indians, says Martin, author of the book Forbidden Relatives: The American Myth of Cousin Marriage. “The truth is that Europeans were marrying their cousins and Native Americans were not.”

And doesn’t God have stern words on the subject Christie Smith, 37, a Nevada writer, says she felt guilty when she fell in love with her first cousin’s son Mark. “I was trying so hard to convince myself not to have these feelings,” she recalls, “that I went to the Bible looking for confirmation that it was wrong. And what I found was the exact opposite: support for cousin marriages.” The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah. Smith married Mark in 1999.

The medical ban is lifted; the social stain may take longer to disappear.

Why did Christie Smith resort to the Bible().

A.Because God has stern words on cousin marriages.

B.Because the Bible supports cousin marriages.

C.Because she felt guilty falling in love with her cousin’s son.

D.Because she wanted to know God’s words on cousin marriages.