问题 材料分析题


话题一:西班牙夺冠 西班牙队创造了历史,他们第一次闯入世界杯决赛就捧起了大力神杯。西班牙的华丽足球让人们印象深刻,有媒体报道了西班牙夺冠的主要秘诀:






话题二:误判 有人认为,误判影响了比赛的公平性,英格兰和墨西哥两支球队都因为遭到误判或多或少影响了比赛结果。 也有人认为,误判同时也促使先进的科技手段更多运用到足球场,如国际足联正考虑引进电子裁判等方式,从而促进比赛公平,推动足球运动发展。




(1)①整体与部分的辩证关系原理要求我们既要从整体着眼、顾全大局,又要搞好局部,用局部的发展推动整体的发展。西班牙队正是靠三线均衡、阵容整齐,讲究配合,增强了整体实力。取得了冠军 ②意识对物质具有能动作用,意识对人的生理活动具有调节和控制作用,西班牙人强大的头脑和激情帮助他们不断的赢得比赛。 ③规律的普遍性和客观性要求我们要尊重客观规律,按规律办事,西班牙队重视训练的科学性,遵循运动规律,为他们夺冠创造了条件。


单项选择题 共用题干题

Despite the fact that comets are probably the most numerous astronomical bodies in the solar system aside from small meteor fragments and the asteroids, they are largely a mystery. Scientists do not know exactly what comets are or where they come from. Educated guesses are the best we have in hand.

Considering the role of comets in legend and the memory of man, it is remarkable that we still know so little, relatively, about them. The most famous comet of all, Halley’s Comet ( named for the man who predicted its return), was first sighted by the Chinese in 240 B.C., and it has returned to terrify the people of the world on a regular basis every since then. The ancient considered it an object of ill omen. By mysterious coincidence, the arrival of Halley’s Comet coincided with such events as the battle of Hastings in 1066, the Jewish revolt of 66 A.D., and the last battle of Attila the Hun against the Romans. Nor is it the only comet to fill man with awe, but merely the most famous in a rich aristocracy of blood-freezers.

Comets are even more fascinating to amateur astronomers than to professionals, because this is one area where amateurs can make major discoveries. Comet Ikeya Seki, one of the brightest comets to appear in this century was discovered in 1965 by a pair of Japanese amateurs, Ikeya and Seki. The person who discovers a new comet gets his (or her) name put on it. And amateurs have a head start in the race to discover new comets; the shorter focal lengths on their smaller telescopes give them a positive advantage over the huge telescopes such as Mount Wilson which is built to scan for galaxies, not comparatively short distances.

Most scientists tend to agree with astronomer Fred T. Whipple that a comet is really a large mushy snowball of frozen ices and gases ( ammonia, methane, possibly carbon dioxide) with a few bits of solid particles stuck inside. But no one is sure how comets are created in the first place.

Scientist believe that comets don’t exhibit their characteristic tail while they lurk fat out in space away from the warmth of the sun but, rather, wander in the form of frozen lumps, like icebergs. This is the core of the comets. Only when the comet approaches the heat of the sun, does the ice begin to melt and stream away in the form of visible gases. The tails of the comets stream out behind for, literally, astronomical distances. Halley Comet had a tail of 94 million miles long when it visited here in 1910.The Great Comet of 1843 had a tail of 186 million miles long.

Halley’s comet is mentioned in Paragraph 2()

A. to introduce some famous historical events

B. to explain some traditional beliefs about comets

C. to demonstrate the harm it has done to man

D. to show its significance to human history