问题 填空题
A: Hey, you look mad. What’s wrong?
B:I...I just can’t stand that terrible driver. He is so...
A:      小题1:      Oh, would you like something to drink, coffee or cola?
B:Neither. A cup of water is OK.
A:Here you are. (one minute later)       小题2:      
B:Yeah, much better.
A:So what exactly happened to you?
B:Just now I was riding my bike along the road. A car passed me quickly and suddenly stopped one meter away from me. At the same time there was another car coming in the other direction(方向), I had to brake(刹车)hard and then I hit the person on another bike.
A:      小题3:       
B:Luckily no. But we both fell off our bike.
A:       小题4:       
B:No, no. I got angry just because the driver drove off without saying anything.
A:      小题5:        
A: What’s wrong ?
B: Please be calm and take it easy.
C: That’s really rude.
D: I am sorry to hear that.
E: That’s why you are so angry.
F: Are you better now?
G: Did anybody get hurt?







小题1:此题考查情景交际,根据上文I...I just can’t stand that terrible driver. He is so...看出这个人很生气,情绪一定很激动,对方让他喝点东西来缓解紧张情绪

小题2:此题考查情景交际,根据答语Yeah, much better.可知问对方好点了吗

小题3:此题考查情景交际,根据上问当事人的陈述以及答语Luckily no. But we both fell off our bike.可知问当事人有没有人受伤

小题4:此题考查情景交际,根据答语No, no. I got angry just because the driver drove off without saying anything.可知对方想知道当事人生气的原因





Recently, the most popular topic among people in Zhongguancun has been: How far is Zhongguancun away from Silicon Valley (硅谷)? Can Zhongguancun be the next Silicon Valley?

People think that the day is not far when Zhongguancun will become a Silicon Valley. This is because Silicon Valley has two famous universities, Stanford and Berkeley universities, and Zhongguancun also has two universities, Peking and Tsinghua universities. Silicon Valley and Zhongguancun are gathering places for engineers. Silicon Valley has a group of well-known American high-tech companies including Intel and Hewlett-Packard, and Zhongguancun has famous companies such as Lenovo and Founder. Silicon Valley is good at science and technology, especially the information industry, while Zhongguancun is known as an electronics street.

However, Silicon Valley is still a far dream for Zhongguancun. Silicon Valley is a product of the market economy, while Zhongguancun is a government-led industrial group. Silicon Valley has an investment system of its own, while Zhongguancun is mainly a trading center for information products, a sales center and a market center. The Silicon Valley people have special and useful ideas. It’s important because of people’s innovation and adventure. All of the people have a good inter-personal relationship network, which enables Silicon Valley business starters to quickly get more money they need, find partners and grow.

The people in Zhongguancun think more about fund-raising, and give little thought to other factors. Some managers don’t understand the idea of market well. This can bring about many problems and can easily lead to failure. Now the basic task for Zhongguancun is to know the demands of the market and the users.

Now, many overseas talents who are returning home are people who once studied, lived and worked in Silicon Valley. A group of first-class universities have taken part in the development of Zhongguancun. It’s believed that Zhongguancun can become the next Silicon Valley, but it doesn’t need to copy Silicon Valley in every way. Zhongguancun can become a Silicon Valley with Chinese characteristics.

64. According to the passage, what is Hewlett-Packard?

A.An American high-tech company in Silicon Valley.

B.A famous American company in Zhongguancun.

C.The most famous university in America.

D.The headquarters of Silicon Valley.

65. Which of the following is WRONG about the differences between Zhongguancun and Silicon Valley?

A.Zhongguancun is a government-led industrial group.             

B.Silicon Valley has an investment system of its own.

C.The Zhongguancun people don’t have lots of ideas of innovation and adventure.

D.Some managers in Silicon Valley don’t understand the idea of market well.

66. What does the author suggest in the fourth paragraph?

Chinese should bravely face some failure.

Chinese should think more about fund-raising.

Chinese should understand the demands of the market and the customers.

Chinese should have a quicker development in science.

67. What is the main idea of this passage?

A.China develops more slowly than America in science and technology.

B.The possibility that Zhongguancun becomes a Silicon Valley is discussed.

C.Americans have a better inter-personal relationship network than Chinese.

D.Some methods are put up to enlarge the competitive ability of Zhongguancun.


材料一: 贞观中,太宗定制, 内侍省不置三品官, 内侍是长官,阶四品。至永淳末, 向七十年,权未假于内官,但在阁门守御,黄衣廪食而已。
材料二: 玄宗承平,财用富足, 志大事奢,不爱惜赏赐爵位。开元、天宝中, 宫嫔大率至四万, 宦官黄衣以上三千员,衣殊紫千馀人。其称旨者辄拜三品 * * ,列戟于门。……监军持权,节度返出其下。于是甲舍、名园、上腴之田为中人所名者半京畿矣。肃、代庸弱,倚为扦卫,故辅国以尚父显,元振以援立奋,朝恩以军容重,然犹未得常主兵也。德宗惩艾呲贼,故以左右神策、天威等军委宦者主之,置护军中尉、中护军,分提禁兵,是以威柄下迁,政在宦人,举手伸缩,便有轻重。至慓士奇材,则养以为子; 巨镇强藩,则争出我门。
材料三:高祖、太宗承平时,无内官典军旅。 自天宝以后, 宦官浸盛。 贞元、元和,分羽林卫为左、右神策军,使卫从,令宦官主之,唯以二千人为定制。 自是参掌枢密。 由是内务百司, 皆归宦者,上下弥缝,共为不法:大则倾覆朝政,小则构扇藩方。车驾频致播迁,朝廷渐加微弱,原其祸作,始自中人。
材料四: 时宦者主宫中市买, 谓之宫市,抑买人物,稍不如本估。末年不复行文书, 置白望数十百人于两市及要闹坊曲,阅人所卖物;但称宫市,则敛手付与,真伪不复可辨,无敢问所从来及论价之高下者。率用直百钱物买人直数千物,仍索进奉门户及脚价银。人将物诣市, 至有空手而归者,名为宫市,其实夺之。
材料五:宣徽院五坊小使,每岁秋按鹰犬于畿甸,所至官吏必厚邀供饷,小不如意, 即恣其须索,百姓畏之如寇盗。先是,贞元末,此辈暴横尤甚,乃至张网罗于民家门及井,不令出入汲水, 曰: “惊我供奉鸟雀。”又群聚于卖酒食家,肆情饮啖。将去, 留蛇一箧,诫之日: “吾以此蛇致供奉鸟雀,可善饲之,无使饥渴。”主人赂而谢之,方肯携蛇箧而去。至元和初,虽数治其弊,故态未绝。