问题 单项选择题


时下,原本被人在网上恶搞的“黑暗童话”,竟成了风行的儿童读物,并且为便于阅读(可获取更多利益吧),多是注音版的:优美的安徒生童话竟成了某些人恶搞的“ ① ”——最后变成白天鹅的丑小鸭,凄惨地被宰杀,成了盘中“烤鸭”; “睡美人”不是被王子唤醒,而是变成了邪恶的复仇女巫;“灰姑娘”最后竟遭遇火刑,成了陪葬者……这种“黑暗”像 ② 在孩子们中间游荡,甚至几欲吞噬那一颗颗幼小的心灵。面对这种情况,我们不能不拍案而起:决不能让 “黑暗童话”毁了孩子!

一个人所具有的优良品性,很大程度上,取决于童年时期所形成的 甲 。苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“如果善良的情感没有在童年形成,那么无论什么时候你也培养不出这种感情来。”儿童获得人生滋养的主要途径之一就是读书。像《安徒生童话》这样的童话经典,都是讲良善终归战胜邪恶,似一条条清澈的小溪,泛着仁爱与正义之波,这便成了人们长大的营养。而某些”黑暗童话“ 像 ③ ,正在污染着一片片葱绿的田野。意在渲染暴力、恐怖等内容的“黑暗童话”,颠倒了正确的荣辱观,放逐了崇高与伟大的情感。面对这种被扭曲的价值观,儿童会迷失方向,沉溺于庸俗与丑恶的泥沼。

针对“黑暗童话”的问题,仅仅依靠公众舆论对其批判是远远不够的,必须要拿出问题的解决方案。首先,那些将经典视为“ ④ ”,肆意切割,用反主流价值来吸引眼球以牟取暴利的人,需要担负起社会的道义与责任。王蒙曾说:“应该扪心自问,你写的作品能不能拿给自己的孩子看?”这不妨可以看作是对某些人的警策之语。其次,儿童书籍究竟是否宜于儿童阅读以及在多大程度上适合儿童接受的判断,还有赖于一个科学、专业、公共的童书评判和儿童阅读的指导体系。当务之急,是在童书出版、儿童教育、儿童公共图书馆服务等领域,组建起若干支可以有效发挥图书监督和阅读指导作用的专业队伍,指导儿童的读书行为,从而防止“黑暗童话”对孩子的侵蚀。









解析 通过第二个空入手,能在孩子们中间游荡的只能是幽灵,因此排掉B/C选项,最后一个空说到肆意切割,因此只能是橡皮泥,而砧板是不可以切割的。要切割的是砧板上的肉。 考点:语句填空


Teachers say the digital age has had a good and a not-so-good influence on the American teenagers. More than 2,000 high school teachers took an online survey.

75 percent of the teachers said the Internet and digital search tools have had a “mostly good” use for their students' research habits and skills, But 87 percent agreed that these technologies "make the students not have enough attention.” And 64 percent said the technologies “do little to help them in courses.”

Judy Buchanan is a director of the National Writing Project. Ms. Buchanan says digital research tools are helping students learn more, and learn faster. Teachers really like these tools, because they are ways to make some of learning exciting. Young people enjoy using these tools. And the goal is to help them become creative students of meaningful work, and not just that kind of copyist.

But one problem the survey found is that many students don't have a good understanding of how to use the digital knowledge well. In other words, they trust(信任) too much of the information. Judy Buchanan says these students have not developed the skills they need to tell whether the online information is good or bad.

Another problem the survey found is something that might not seem like a problem, at all, being-able to quickly find information online. Teachers say the ability of their students to work hard to find answers is becoming weaker. They say students depend too much on search engines (引擎) and do not make enough use, of printed books or research, librarians.

Besides, many teachers are also worried about the problem that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others, instead of using their own abilities.

小题1:      of the teachers agreed technologies may stop students from having enough attention.




D.87%小题2: How many problems are mentioned (提及) in the passage'?




D.Four.小题3:Teachers like the digital search tools because they can        .

A.make some of learning exciting

B.help students find answers easily

C.tell whether the information is good or not

D.help students copy the work done by others小题4:What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?

A.Digital search tools have quite a lot of advantages.

B.Students don't know how to use the digital search tools.

C.Many teachers are worried about the students' abilities.

D.Students should learn how to use the digital tools in a right way.
