问题 单项选择题


指标 绝对数(万吨) 比上年增长(%)
粮食 770.67 -2.3
油料 39.46 -8.7
其中:花生 5.36 -0.5
油菜子 33.26 -10.2
棉花 2.88 2.5
糖料 74.89 -8.0
茶叶 16.05 -4.1
水果 726.39 2.0
蔬菜 1772.13 0.4

根据资料,下列说法一定错误的一项是( )。




解析: 2010年,粮食产量同比下降2.3%,其中晚稻产量同比下降2.4%,因此2010年,晚稻产量占粮食产量的比重低于2009年,A项正确。2010年,淡水产品产量96.7万吨,因此淡水捕捞产量肯定小于96.7万吨,小于海水捕捞产量,B项正确。2008年,粮食产量的同比增加率大于粮食种植面积的同比增长率,因此2008年粮食的亩产量是大于2007年的,故C项一定错误。材料只给出了2010年油料的种植面积,无法推算出2009年油料的种植面积,因此无法计算出2009年的亩产量,所以D项的正误无法判断。故本题正确答案为C。



Learning English has a powerful effect on the type of job you can get. If you don’t speak English well, you won’t find many jobs, and yes, you’ll earn much less money. Only 2% of company managers can’t speak English! Your family can also benefit from you learning English. And you can learn with them, helping each other as a family. Children have up to a 40% better chance of finishing high school if their parents speak English well. If you speak English better , you’ll find more jobs--- good jobs. Or you can get a promotion and earn more money. Learn how the Beehive can help you find the right job.

School. Children go to their parents when they need help with school. If you speak better English, you can help your child with homework and you can also talk to teachers and other parents.

Health. Most doctors and pharmacists(药剂师) in America only speak English, and if you can explain what the problem is and understand what the doctor is saying, you’ll get better sooner! On the Beehive, you can find cheap, free medical help or find important information for your family.

Education. With a little more English, you might be able to take your high school diploma (GED), go to a vocational school to learn a profession or even go to college! Find out what type of education is right for you, and how to do it. It is never too late!

Money. If you understand what people tell you at the bank, a store or a lawyer’s office, nobody will be able to cheat you! With more English, you can save more, send more money to your family and even start your own business. Don’t wait! Find an English course now! And remember, with the Beehive you can practice English and find a good job, open a bank account or find a doctor! The Beehive is written very clearly so you can make life better. Many people are doing it!

71. Learning English well can help us in the following things EXCEPT__________.

A. finding many more good jobs             B. a better chance of finishing high school

C. a promotion and earning more money       D. cheating others easily

72. How can English benefit you in America?

A. You’ll communicate with most doctors and pharmacists better.

B. You can find cheap, free medical help for your family.

C. You can find important information for your family .

D. You can take your GRE.

73. If you want to learn English well, where should you learn?

A. Most doctors and pharmacists in America.  B. A vocational school for practical English.

C. Colleges for special English.             D. The Beehive for an English course.

74. Which kind of article is this passage?

A.  A Notice.                           B. A magazine.   

C. An advertisement.                      D. A newspaper.

75. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Learning English has a powerful effect on your job.

B. Learn more English, your life will be sweeter.

C. If you speak English better, you’ll find more jobs.

D. it is never too late to find out the right type of education!