问题 单项选择题

甲男(15岁)与乙女(13岁)在同一所中学上学,二人在参加校文体活动时相识并成为好友,关系日渐密切。某日二人在公园发生性关系时被发现。据甲交代,二人还曾在家中发生过一次性关系。甲、乙均表示是双方自愿。乙的家长要求追究甲的刑事责任。经调查二人确属自愿且未造成其他严重后果。甲的行为( )。

A.构成 * * 淫幼女罪

B.构成强 * * 罪





解析:[精解] 根据司法解释,对于已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,与幼女发生性关系构成犯罪的,依照《刑法》第17条、第236条第2款的规定,以强 * * 罪定罪处罚;对于与幼女发生性关系,情节轻微、尚未造成严重后果的,不认为是犯罪。故选C项。

     Henry was not   1   at math. Even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still couldn't 
  2   it.
     "Never mind. I'll sit   3   the boy who's the best at   4  , " Henry thought, "and   5   his answers."
      The day of the exam   6  , and Henry sat next to Allan,   7   was   8   at the top of the class in math.
Henry copied Allan's answers   9   his own exam paper. At the end of the exam, the teacher said, "Well, boys
and girls, I've decided to give a red  10  to the student who got the  11  grade. It's  12  for me to decide who
I'll give the star to, however,  13  two students, Henry and Allan, got the  14  grade." After a moment she
went on, " 15  I've decided to give the star to  16  this time."
      Henry was  17  when he heard this. He stood  18  and said, "But I got the same grade as Allan, madam."
      "That's  19 ." The teacher said. "However, Allan's answer to Question 6 was 'I don't know.', but  20  was
'Nor do I.'"

( )1. A. well         
( )2. A. retell      
( )3. A. next to     
( )4. A. English   
( )5. A. check     
( )6. A. ended     
( )7. A. which     
( )8. A never      
( )9. A. in       
( )10. A.book     
( )11. A. highest   
( )12. A. hard    
( )13. A. if       
( )14. A. low      
( )15. A. So        
( )16. A. Allan      
( )17. A. afraid    
( )18. A. out        
( )19. A. true    
( )20. A. his      

B. good        
B. answer      
B. besides     
B. math        
B. copy        
B. over        
B. that        
B. almost      
B. on          
B. coat         
B. best        
B. easy        
B. though      
B. high        
B. Because     
B. Henry      
B. angry      
B. for         
B. wrong       
B. mine        
C. better   
C. remember   
C. behind   
C. science 
C. keep     
C. came     
C. whom     
C. always   
C. onto     
C. pen      
C. lowest   
C. unusual 
C. until   
C. same     
C. But      
C. nobody   
C. pleased 
C. up       
C. OK       
C. yours   
D. best         
D. understand   
D. in front of  
D. Chinese      
D. choose       
D. start        
D. who          
D. sometimes    
D. at           
D. star         
D. least        
D. important                       
D. because      
D. different    
D. And          
D. anybody      
D. worried      
D. by           
D. all right    
D. others'