问题 阅读理解


     Mrs. Smith often felt lonely when her husband went to work. The room was small and it took her only

 half an hour to tidy it. She couldn't get up early in the morning, so Mr. Smith had to cook breakfast

 himself. She usually had some bread and milk for lunch and only cooked spper for herself and her husband. They had no television. Mr. Smith always went to bed at nine.

     It was a winter morning. The sun was shining and it was warmer outside than it in the room. The woman

  sat on the step of a shop, 100-king at the busy traffic.  At that moment a man with a map in his hand was

  coming towards her.

     "Excuse me, madam," said the man. "Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital, please?"

     Mrs. Smith looked at him up and down. "He seems to be a farmer," the woman said to herself.  "Let

 me play a joke on him. " Then she turned to him and said, "Lie down in the middle of the street and you'll

 soon be sent to a hospital. "

     "Please set an example to me, then," said the man.

     She had to tell the way to him and then she said, "I think you have been in a city for the first time.  It's

 much more beautiful than the field. Is that right?"

     "Yes, madam," said the farmer with a smile  "But I think it was built on the field! "

1. Mr. Smith always went to bed at nine because _____..

    A. he was in poor health    

    B. he had nothing to do in the evening

    C. there was no lamp in the room

    D. he was very tired in the daytime

2. Mrs. Smith sat on the step to _____..

    A. look at the traffic

    B. buy some cheap things in the shop

    C. wait for her husband

    D. bathe (沐浴) in the sunlight

3. The woman thought _____, so she was going to laugh at him.

    A. the man was poor

    B. the man would ask her the way     .

    C. the man was a traveler

    D. the man came from a village

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. Mrs. Smith smiled at the farmer.

    B. Mrs.  Smith got the farmer into trouble.

    C. rhe farmer cleverly answered the woman.

    D. The farmer didn't know how to answer the woman.

5. Why did the woman say "Lie down in the middle of the street and you'll soon be sent to a hospital. " in

    Paragraph 4?

    A. She thought it's the best way to get to the nearest hospital.

    B. She didn't understand what the farmer asked.

    C. She was making a joke.

    D. She didn't want to talk with the farmer.


1. B 2. D 3. D  4.C 5.C


2000年1月,赵、钱、孙、李4人决定投资设立一合伙企业,并签订了书面合伙协议。合伙协议的部分内容如下:(1)赵以货币出资10万元,钱以实物折价出资8万元,经其他3人同意,孙以劳务折价出资6万元,李以货币出资4万元;(2)赵、钱、孙、李按 2:2:1:1的比例分配利润和承担风险;(3)由赵执行合伙企业事务,对外代表合伙企业,其他3人均不再执行合伙企业事务,但签订大于1万元的销售合同应经其他合伙人同意。合伙协议中未约定合伙企业的经营期限。 合伙企业存续期间,发生下列事实: (1)2000年5月,赵擅自以合伙企业的名义与红天公司签订了销售合同,红天公司不知道合伙企业对赵的权限限制。钱获知后,认为该合同不符合合伙企业利益,经与孙、李商议后,即向红天公司表示对该合同不予承认,因为合伙协议规定赵无单独与第三人签订此类销售合同的权利。 (2)2001年1月,李提出退伙,其退伙并不给合伙企业造成任何不利影响。2001年3月,合伙人李与其他合伙人进行结算后,撤资退伙。于是,合伙企业又接纳周新入伙,周出资4万元。2001年5月,合伙企业的债权人绿光公司就合伙人李退伙前发生的债务24万元要求合伙企业的现合伙人赵、钱、孙、周和退伙人李共同承担连带赔偿责任。李以自己已经退伙为由,拒绝承担清偿责任。周以自己新入伙为由,拒绝对其入伙前的债务承担清偿责任。 (3)赵为了改善企业的经营管理,于2001年4月独自决定聘任田某担任该合伙企业的经营管理人员;并以合伙企业名义为蓝海公司提供担保。 (4)2002年4月,合伙人钱在与黄河公司的买卖合同中,无法清偿黄河公司的到期债务8万元。黄河公司于2002年6月向人民法院提起诉讼,人民法院判决黄河公司胜诉。黄河公司于2002年8月向人民法院申请强制执行钱在合伙企业中的全部财产份额。 问题:

