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     Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home. Oneday his wife

sees the fish and thinks,  "Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish. They

like fish very much."

     When Sam comes home from work in the everning, the fish is not there and his wife says,"Oh, your cat

eats it." And then she gives him some bread for his supper. Sam is angry. He takes the cat and his wife to

a shop near his house and weighs(称) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says,"My fish weighs one kilo.

The cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here,you see, then, where is my fish?"

1. What does Sam like eating very much?


2. Who eat the fish that day?


3. How much does the fish weigh?


4. What does Sam's wife give him for supper?


5. Can you guess if(是否) Sam knows where the fish is?



1. He likes eating fish very much.

2. Sam's wife and her friends.

3. One kilo.

4. Some bread.

5. Yes, I can.


材料一 不断扩大产品销路的需要,驱使资产阶级奔走于全球各地。……这些工业所加工的,已经不是本地的原料,而是来自极其遥远的地区的原料;它们的产品不仅供本国消费,而且供世界各地消费。 ——《 * * 党宣言》
材料二 印度的棉纺织业原来很发达,棉纺品曾经大量出口英国。19世纪以后,英国凭借强大的工业实力,采用各种手段,打击印度的棉纺织业,印度的棉纺织业迅速衰落下去。著名的纺织业城市达卡,1827年有人口15万人,8年后,只剩下3万人。英国把印度的棉花运到英国工厂加工成棉布,在返销印度。 ——《世界近现代史》
材料三 英国在印度要完成双重使命,一是破坏性的使命,即消灭旧的亚洲式社会,另一个是建设性的使命,即在亚洲为西方式的社会奠定物质基础。 ——马克思《不列颠在印度统治的未来结果》