下列各项,注音有误的一项是( )
A.窥 kuī 窥探傀 kuǐ 傀儡lěi
B.溃 kuì 溃烂篑 kuì 功亏一篑廓 guò 轮廓
C.琅 láng 琅琅上口睐 lài 青睐烙 lào 烙印
D.肋 lèi 肋骨勒 lè 勒索勒lēi 勒紧
廓 kuò 轮廓
下列各项,注音有误的一项是( )
A.窥 kuī 窥探傀 kuǐ 傀儡lěi
B.溃 kuì 溃烂篑 kuì 功亏一篑廓 guò 轮廓
C.琅 láng 琅琅上口睐 lài 青睐烙 lào 烙印
D.肋 lèi 肋骨勒 lè 勒索勒lēi 勒紧
廓 kuò 轮廓
用方框里适当的单词完成句子。 | |
2.He was out of at last. 3.Our villages and farms are bigger and bigger. 4.The is becoming very serious. 5.Because of the pollution,more and more animals are killed in . 6.There are people to pick apples. 7.This is the why he didn't go to school. 8.The visitors were students. 9.It's our duty to animals. 10.Our carries o ![]() |