问题 单项选择题

个体户王小二承接了建筑公司一项运输1200块玻璃的业务,并签了合同。合同上规定:每块玻璃运费2元;如果运输过程中有损坏,每损坏一块,除了要扣除一块玻璃的运费外,还要赔25元。王小二把1200块玻璃运送到指定地点后,建筑公司按合同付给他2076元。问:运输过程中损坏了多少块玻璃( )







解析: 如果一块玻璃也不损坏,那么,王小二可得运费2×1200=2400(元)。而王小二实际得运费2076元,两者相差2400-2076=324(元)。 由于在运输过程中每损坏一块玻璃,不仅得不到2元的运费,还要赔偿25元。因此,每损坏一块玻璃就要少收入2+25=27(元)。所以,求王小二损坏了几块玻璃,就是求他一共少收入的324元中有几个27元。 324÷27=12(块),所以,在运输过程中共损坏了12块玻璃。

     John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a   1   student when he was young. He was often
late  for   2   and  didn't  like  doing  his  homework. Sometimes, he  slept in class while the teacher was
teaching. He didn't  understand  much,   3   he  always  thought  he  understood  everything. One day the
teacher   4  the students a question. "When Jack was ten years old,   5   brother Bob was twenty. Jack is
fifteen now and   6   is his brother Bob? "
     John said, "That's easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty. "
     Another time, the   7   in a science class asked, "When it thunders (打雷),   8   do we always see the
light before we   9   the sound?"
     "But, Miss," said John quickly. "don't you   10   our eyes are in front of our ears?"
( )1.A. good    
( )2.A. work    
( )3.A. so      
( )4.A. answered
( )5.A. your    
( )6.A. how many
( )7.A. teacher  
( )8.A. what    
( )9.A. break    
( )10.A. read    
B. tall      
B. lunch    
B. and      
B. asked    
B. my        
B. how old         
B. farmer    
B. when      
B. hear      
B. hope      
C. rich        
C. class      
C. but        
C. told        
C. his        
C. how much                                
C. nurse      
C. why        
C. make        
C. know        
单项选择题 A1/A2型题