问题 选择题

依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是(     )

(1)入世后,由社会结构变革而生的各种新的社会组织,也将逐步改变现有的社会格局,          出的社会生态。

(2)巴以冲突激烈,安理会应更多地思索维护中东和平      采取的政策。

(3)就此事件,我国新华社        发表严正声明,表示了中国政府在此类事件上的一贯的明确态度。

A 派生 亟须  授权 

B 衍生 急需  授权 

C 衍生 亟须  受权  

D 派生 急需  受权











       One day,  as l walked through my office,  I was taught a useful lesson about life. As l opened the

garage door, I saw a large month(飞蛾)on the wall.  1t was a very beautiful moth.  Perhaps because

of the sound of the door opening, the moth flew immediately out.  There is a window on the ceiling(天花板).  The moth tried its best to get out through the window glass.

       I raised the garage door wider to help the moth to escape from the garage.  However, it tried to fly

higher and farther from the door and got trapped(困)in a spider's web. Worrying that the beautiful

moth would become a spider's dinner,  I picked up a broom to help it fight against the spider's web.  

However, it became even more frightened.  After it got away from the web, the moth pumped(扇动)

his wings hard and ran into the glass.  But no matter how hard “tried”, the moth remained in the cage

of the garage.

       I left the garage with the door open.  I thought by simply turning his focus(集中注意)to one side, he CO Lild escape the garage through the door.  Sometimes, people need to choose the right way before applying effort(努力).


1. What was in the garage when the writer opened the door?


2. Did the moth get out through the window glass?


3. Why did the writer pick up a broom to help it fight against the spider's web?


4. How could the moth escape the garage through the door?


5.What do we learn from the passage? 

