问题 阅读理解


     A four-year-old girl is lying in the arms of a doctor. She has just become motherless. The bombing

(轰炸)destroyed(毁坏)her home and killed her mother.

     Every day we see pictures like this on TVs or in newspapers. We see young Iraqi children begging

for food and water from American and British soldiers as they move through towns and cities towards

the capital, Baghdad(巴格达). We see these children following grown - ups, carrying bags of things

almost at the same size as their small bodies as they flee their homes in Baghdad.

     "Dad, why are the Americans striking(攻击)us? Are we going to be killed?" asks the son of Abu

Sinar, an Iraqi engineer, Abu finds it hard to explain this war to his eight - year- old son.

     He tries to comfort(安慰)him by saying, "The bombs are far away from us. The Americans are

fighting the soldiers. We are going to be all right." Even though Abu knows this isn't always the truth.

But what else can he do? In Baghdad, parents give their children sleeping pills to make them sleep so

that they won't hear the sound of bombing. And all the schools are closed.

     "All we can do is to listen to and hear the war," said Abu. "We, all the people and the children,

have to live in fear. We feel hopeless and helpless. We don't know where the next bombs are going.

We can do nothing but wait to be killed. "

1. During the war, children are ________.

A. studying at school      

B. fighting at the front

C. safer than their parents    

D. in great danger

2. The children have to flee their homes because ________.

A. it is dangerous to stay at home because of the bombing

B. their parents are not at home

C. they want to get food and water

D. they want to welcome the foreign soldiers

3. "Sleeping pills" are ________.

A. a place to keep children safe

B. a kind of thing to help them to be away from the war

C. a kind of medicine to help them to fall asleep

D. a kind of food to make them strong

4. Abu finds it hard to explain this war to his son, because ________.

A. he doesn't want to tell him the real reason

B. he doesn't want to tell a lie

C. he doesn't know how to explain it clearly

D. it isn't good to tell him why


1~4    DACC



材料一 1949年12月美国政府宣布“运用一切努力防止中 * * 党人从非苏联的来源获得直接用于军事目的的物资与装备”。1950年12月美国政府要求“所有希望向中国大陆、香港和澳门出口任何商品的个人和公司必须申请出口许可证”。1951年10月美国国会通过了《巴特尔法》,规定违反禁运条例向中国等社会主义国家出口的国家,美国将停止向其提供援助。——《中美关系史1949——1972》

材料二 1971年9月22日,美国同日本国一起向联合国大会提出了关于中国代表权问题的提案,既确认中华人民共和国的代表权,又确认“中华民国”继续拥有代表权的“双重代表权”提案。——《中关关系中的台湾问题》

材料三 1978年邓 * * 就中美关系正常化提出三条:美国从台湾撤军,跟台湾废除共同防御条约,与台湾断交。美国又反过来提出三条:一是卡特政府说必须得到国会参议院讨论,在美中建交的那一天,告诉台湾终止《美台共同防御条约》,一年后失效,这一点中方表示了理解。第二条是美国要求中方要发表一个放弃对台湾使用武力的声明,中方一直不做承诺。最严重的争议是美国坚持在两国关系正常化后还

要向台湾出售武器。邓 * * 提出,建交以后,《美台共同防御条约》也废除了,美国就不能再向台湾卖武器。卡特政府承诺,1979年起不再向台湾出售新的武器。——陶文钊《美国需要中国吗》

材料四 美国政府2010年1月29日向国会通报了新的对台出售武器计划,包括“黑鹰”直升机、“爱国者——3”反导系统、“鱼鹰”级扫雷艇等总额近64亿美元的武器装备。中方1月30日、31日两天内密集作出强烈回应,采取四项强硬措施,要求美方停止对台军售。——引自新浪网2010年2月1日《外媒:美对台军售中国反应“史无前例”》

材料五 尽管实际情况的发展不会像我们希望的那样迅速,但是中美关系的发展趋势是令人乐观的,多方面的成功是已经被事实证明了的。——布鲁金斯学会中国问题专家贝特斯·基尔








