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     When Webster was young, he was a teacher. But he quickly became tired of the books he used in

classes. They were all about the English people and places. Since he wanted books that would be

interesting to American children, he wrote three books with many American examples.

      Webster worked industriously (勤奋地) to change the spelling of American English. He wanted

words to be spelled in the same way they were pronounced (发音). For example, he thought the word

"laugh" should be spelled "1af".

     One day he walked into a print shop and gave the boy there a piece of paper. "Young man," he said,

"when you print any please don't spell as English people do. For example when you print these words

"theatre, centre, colour, and labour (劳动)", please always print them as "theater, center, color,

and labor'." The boy studied it and answered, "OK, but I must ask my boss first."

      With the money he made from his books, Webster could start his work, which took him more

than twenty years to finish. In 1828, the first American English dictionary was born. And today,

Webster's dictionary is thought to be the most important American dictionary in the whole world.

1. What kind of books did he use when Webster was young? [ ]

A. Books about Great Britain.

B. Books about the USA.

C. Books about both Great Britain and the USA.

D. Books that were very interesting.

2. Webster decided to change the spelling of American English because _____. [ ]

A. he was born in America

B. there were too many mistakes in them

C. American children were not interested in them

D. they were not spelled in the same way they were pronounced

3. On the paper Webster gave the boy were the words _____. [ ]

A. easy to say

B. that didn't sound well

C. whose pronunciations he wanted to change

D. whose spellings he wanted to change

4. Webster began to write the first American English dictionary before the year _____. [ ]

A. 1808

B. 1820

C. 1828

D. 1858


1-4  ADDA



材料一 在《史记·孔子世家》的记载中,有许多同时代的隐士对于“知其不可为而为之”的孔子极尽嘲笑之能事,或讽刺他“四体不勤,五谷不分”;或嘲笑他“自腰以下不及禹者三寸,垒垒若丧家之犬”等。

材料二 “从根本上讲,儒家思想认为,社会治乱的根本在于人心,因此,要从根本上达到社会的治理,就应当从人心的治理入手……光靠法制和制度的健全,并不能从根本上解决社会的治乱问题。重视人心治理的儒家学说在这方面则显然略胜一筹。这也是为什么在春秋战国的百家争鸣之后,统治者在百家中把以重视人心治理的儒家思想定为一尊的原因之一。”——《“爱智慧”的哲学与“实用主义”的儒家——兼谈西方儒学研究的误区》

材料三 易白沙(新文化运动时期学者)认为:为什么专制君王要独尊孔子而不抬举别人呢?从根本上讲,不得不归咎于孔子之自身。其一,孔子尊君权,漫无限制,易演成独夫专制之弊;其二,孔子讲学不尊问难,易演成思想专制之弊;其三,孔子少绝对之主张,易为人所借口;其四,孔子但重作官,不重谋食,易入民贼牢笼。

材料四 18世纪法国一批学者高度赞赏孔子,几乎认定孔子是个完人。大思想家伏尔泰从18世纪后期起开始接触中国文化,他特别推崇中国的儒家思想,对孔子更是佩服得五体投地,房间里常年挂着一幅孔子画像。他反对君主专制,希望有一位开明君主,因此,儒家的“民为贵,君为轻”被他当做武器来攻击封建君主专制。伏尔泰推崇孔子的另一方面,是他认为孔子是用道德的说服力而不是用宗教的狂热和个人崇拜来影响别人。



___________________________________________________________________________________________ (2)依据材料二、材料三,中国的专制统治者为什么独尊孔子和儒学?







