问题 单项选择题 A1型题









     Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are.
     When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, it's  1  to know the right and wrong things
to do. For example, in China it's OK to  2  a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isn't  3  or lively,
you may think there's something wrong with it. However, in many western countries, restaurants are quiet
places. If a table is too loud, other people who are eating there might even  4  to the owner of the restaurant.
    Paying the bill  5  also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays  6  everybody.
In western countries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients (宴请宾客), but  7  friends eat together,
they usually share the cost. This is called "Going Dutch (均摊费用)". Also, when westerners pay the bill, they
usually leave some money for the  8 .This is called"leaving a tip (小费)". Leaving a tip is thought to be polite.
In the US, it's  9  to leave tips of 10%,15%,or 20% of the bill, which is decided by how good the service is.
Good waiters can make a lot of money!
     The way people eat food is different in the world, but you can  10  the same kind of food in many
countries. Chinese and Italian food, for example, are popular all over the world.
( )1. A. popular  
( )2. A. cause    
( )3. A. noisy    
( )4. A. shout    
( )5. A. are      
( )6. A. on       
( )7. A. until    
( )8. A. gatekeeper
( )9. A. terrible 
( )10. A. invent  
B. difficult
B. keep    
B. noise   
B. explain 
B. is      
B. for     
B. when    
B. seller  
B. common  
B. find    
C. important
C. make    
C. lucky   
C. complain
C. be      
C. in      
C. unless  
C. waiter  
C. serious 
C. prefer  

第二题:案件审理(18分)2012年4月13日,甲省A市烟草专卖局接到举报,称本市零售户“一凡名烟名酒店”销售假烟。A市局指派稽查员小林、小谭、小华前往调查,其中小林、小潭持有省局核发的烟草专卖执法检查证,小华持有省政府法制办核发的行政执法证件。小林、小谭在该店内查获了涉嫌为非法生产的卷烟 Y品牌卷烟21条,依法对该批卷烟进行了先行登记保存,并拍摄了照片。小林、小华对店主韩某进行了询问并制作了询问笔录,韩某供述自2月份以来,累计销售Y品牌卷烟90条,执法人员在现场查获的账册记载,韩某自2月份以来,累计销售Y品牌卷烟292条,销售金额2.32万元。之后。小林、小谭就Y品牌卷烟的销售数额问题,对韩某进行了重新询问,韩某在第二次询问中交待了其累计销售Y品牌卷烟292条的违法事实。调查人员遂采信了韩某的第二次询问笔录,认定韩某销售Y品牌卷烟292条。经省烟草质量检测站鉴定,Y品牌卷烟为‘假冒注册商标且伪劣’产品。韩某的邻居吴某向执法人员提供了“听其他人说过韩某销售假烟”的证言,但吴某为精神病人,不能正确表达意志。4月21日,A市局告知韩某拟对其罚款1.16万元,韩某要求举行听证。A市局同意了韩某的听证要求并发布了听证公告,决定于4月30日组织听证。4月25日,A市局指定了小谭为听证会主持人,并书面通知了韩某举行听证的时间和地点并同时报告省级局。4月30日,听证会如期举行。听证中,韩某向主持人提供了新的证据,小谭以“调查取证属于行政机关职权”为由拒绝接收;最后,当事人、调查人员均进行了最后陈述。听证记录人制作了听证笔录,主持人、记录人等相关人员全部签字确认,韩某拒绝确认听证笔录,记录人对此注明情况并签字。听证结束后,主持人根据听证情况,向专卖科唐科长提交了听证报告。5月7日,A市局依法对韩某进行了行政处罚决定。请根据材料回答下列问题:
