Johnny Kelley is 86 years old. He has just run the last eleven kilometers of the Boston Marathon. It took him one hour and fifteen minutes to run the eleven kilometers. After his running, he went to the hospital center. The nurse was surprised and pleased to see that his blood pressure was 139 over 84. She told him that his blood pressure was very good. Then she said, "I wish mine was good like yours . "
Johnny Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon. He ran all the 42 kilometers of the Marathon 61 times. This year was the second time that he has cut back and run only part of it. Kelley holds the record for running more Boston Marathons than anyone else.
Thousands of people cry "come on" to him as he runs. Kelley smiles and thanks people as he runs. "It's wonderful," he says." People come out to shake my hand. I am welcomed by thousands of people. I think a lot of them thought I ran the whole race. And maybe they congratulate because they know me after all these years and they don't know the other runners. "
1. Johnny Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon because ______.
A. he is eighty-six years old
B. he ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon that day
C. he was old and ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon 61 times
D. his grandson is the best runner of the Boston Marathon
2. When Johnny Kelley said it was wonderful, he meant that ______.
A. he was welcomed by thousands of people
B. his blood pressure was so good
C. he was able to run the whole Marathon race
D. he got to the hospital center safely
3. Johnny Kelley keeps the record _______
A. for living to a great age
B. for running the fastest
C. for taking one hour and 15 minutes to run the 11 kilometers
D. for running the most Boston Marathons
4. Johnny Kelley went to the hospital center after the race ______
A. to tell the nurse the good news
B. to have a good rest
C. to thank people who cried '6come on" to him
D. to see if his blood pressure was good
l-4 CADD